Friday, March 23, 2012

Swamp and Old RV updates

Although the “swamp” is not completely full, it is the fullest I have seen it in years.  It is within a foot or so of the breast of the dam.  I got pictures, OK?  This first picture is of the deepest part, the hole that I dug with the tractor.  Remember the drought pictures; it was the last to dry out.  It was also the hole that “the pig” drowned in.  Now, you can’t even tell it is there, so I circled it with yellow:

This next picture is the old part looking south:

I suppose you noticed the green scum on the water?  Well, it ain’t scum; it is an accumulation of small floating plants:

And a close up:

The next one is of the old part looking south:

And again, the old part, but looking west.  That peninsula is where the Nutria used to live before the drought.  Wonder what happened to them and if they survived, where did they go?

And the last one, looking north, back over the old part:

Now for an update on my class-C motor-home.  The pending sale finally went through.  It took quite awhile for the buyers to get their financing.  But now, I don’t have to worry about it any more.  I came down in price and also paid for a few things to be fixed.  It is a relief that it found a home and I hope the new buyers enjoy it as much as we did.
You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Wisht I had me a pond like that in my back yard. Have ya figger out a way to restock it with fish. Don't suppose they gonna just fall out the sky are they?
    Good news on the old MH find'n a new home.

    1. Back when I use to do a lot of bass fishing, I would bring home live bass and release in the pond. Haven't been doing any fishing for some time now. Guess I ought to change that, right?

  2. Seems a shame to have such a nice pond and not have any fish! Sometimes the state will stock it for ya!

    Couldn't hurt to ask! Just call Parks and Wildlife!

  3. Gosh, i LOVE that place! You are so lucky. Hope there's something in it to eat mosquito larvae...I keep a few somethings in my pond for that. Minnows or gold fish,,,lol. I let it dry up last year, but the rain has it full now. Have frogs too.

  4. Hermit, I don't want the government involved. Nothing good would come out of that.

    Trouble, I got a million frogs and it is amazing how fast fish come back. I think the wading birds bring them in on their feet.

  5. Nice to see a swamp come back. I'm a water person.

    Glad the motor home sold -one less thing to worry about.

  6. Sixbears, it has been a good week, swamp coming back an RV sold. Hope you will (or have) get back on the water soon.

  7. Congratulations on selling the MH. Now you can roll your new one around the country.

  8. Thanks Barney, I want to get new tires on it ( will be over 5 grand) before I go too far. They are the original and it is a 2005 model. Good tread, just dry rot.
