Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wandering to Huntsville State Park (1st time this year).

It was just so nice a day, (it couldn’t have been any nicer) we had to get out awhile.  So, we headed up to Huntsville State Park, which is only a little over a half hours drive from my place.  Took some pictures.  The first one was of a kayak set up for fishing.  The owner was sitting on his tail gate rigging some lures, so of course I had to stop and talk to him.  He was retired and likes to kayak fish fresh and salt water both.  Told me a few good stories.  He had a wheeled contraption to move and handle the boat and the truck was especially fixed up to carry it.

This is a pic of the Lake Raven looking east from the dock and boat ramp:

And looking west:

And just to prove that I am still alive and was there:

There were a lot flowers blooming:

This picture is a little late for St. Patrick’s Day:

This was a tall bright yellow one:

This last one is sort of a mixture of a couple different flowers and a fern:

Well, that is about half the pictures.  I will put the other half on tomorrow of some ducks, turtles, etc.  None of the many alligators were spotted.  Sorry I am late today, but by the time I got the pictures off the camera and edited, it was time to head off to the flea market.  By the way, I purchased a new tarp there today.  I am planning on getting my big old telescope out and don’t intend to bring it back in for a couple of nights.  Too much trouble, so need something to cover over it.
So, until tomorrow, you all have a great day now, you hear.


  1. Looking forward to tomorrows report .
    When I lived on the north side of Houston, Wifie and I used to go over to the Indian reservation campground. Small lake but always caught a bunch of fish. Their website isn't great, but here it is. Lake Tombigbee Campground
    Shoot it's close to you but you may have to call them cause the website isn't much.

  2. Nice pics Dizzy. Kayak fishing can be a blast, especially if you hook a big one. A good sized fish can pull the kayak all over the place.

  3. Bout time, getting outa the house,,,in the house,,,lololol.

  4. Ben, Tombigbee is in Mississippi. Got more pics for you from Huntsville SP.

    Sixbears, I use a canoe for most of my fishing. I have never been in a kayak.

    Trouble, we got out of the house, but left the motor-home at home. Just took the Jeep.

  5. Diz,,not the one I'm thinking about.

  6. Ok, that is on the Indian reservation in the Big Thicket area. I have visited there years ago but never stayed over night.

  7. the great outdoors! always good to get some sun on your face and dirt on your boots, I could use a bit of it myself. It is crazy hot here in PA. Last week it was in the 80's, this is March? Glad to see your swamp is full of water again.
