Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wondering about the crazy weather and my pups.

Back where I was born and raised, in Western Pennsylvania, they are having a lot warmer weather lately than we have been experiencing here in the Houston area of East Texas.  Again today they are going to be in the 80’s.  When I got up this morning it was only in the upper 40’s.  It is now 08:04 and the outside temperature is 49 degrees.  Of course it is suppose to be a beautiful day and the weatherman gave it a 10!!  In fact, for the nest week or more it is going to be just lovely here in Texas.
Yesterday, Trouble asked in her comment on my blog to see pictures of my pups after the one was shaved.  Well, she was shaved a month ago, not yesterday.  But, I took pictures of all three of them last night, just for you Trouble. First, let me remind you what Ginger Muffin looked like with all her hair:

And the picture that I took last night:

And here is a picture of Mr. Chang Le:

And last is the Shih-Tzu that we rescued when she was a puppy.  She is not in full coat yet, but had been shaved back a few months ago:

I know that some people don’t like to see blogs that post pictures of pets and children, but every once in awhile, I need to post pictures of our pets which are also our children.
You all have a great day and if you have pets, give them a hug or an extra pat on the head today, you hear?


  1. Dogs looking cute!! Next time you're here we'll put them with my cats.. That way my cats can get some exercise and your dogs will get all that loose hair plucked out. :-)

  2. Don't know what ya talk'n bout people don't like pics of pets on blogs. I sure do, an' think every blog should have pet/critter pics. They family ya know.

  3. I think I saw on the Weather Channel last night that it was 75 degrees in Caribou Maine yesterday. Caribou is probably the most northern town in the US!

  4. Just no way to figure out this crazy weather lately!

    I'm gonna save myself some grief and give up trying!

    I like the pics of the furry members of the family! Come to think of it, they look a lot like you, Dizzy!

  5. WHO ever said that??? That ol BBC??? You see what i think of pet pics,,he is my rep. And TY for doing this. Did they think they were pretty after the hair cuts? Had one that did, one time. I named her Moppet, then found out later, there was one just like her, in a Disney movie, named Moppet too!

  6. It's in the 80's back home in NH. That ain't right. Looks bad for maple syrup.

    Dogs are looking good. Nice pics.

  7. AAWWWW!! Now they are just TOO cute. When we first got Archie, we were told he was a shih-tzu. But, his hair was curly and never got long. Found out later from his first owner (who moved out and left him with her dirt-bag husband, but, that's another tale) our Archie is a Peek-a-poo. Gotta love dem dogs!!!!!

  8. BB, I love animals of all kinds and agree that pets are a big part of the family. Mine sure are.

    Gypsy, this is sure crazy weather we have been having. Guess we are having a climate change.

    Hermit, if you think I look like my dogs, that is the best compliment you could me.

    Trouble, yes they do act like they feel pretty, except when they get shaved.

    Sixbears, yep, it is warmer up north than down here in the sunny south!!

    Sharon, the best dog that ever owned me was a Peek-a-Poo. She past away last year. She was my secretary and travel companion for many years.
