Saturday, December 24, 2011

Remembering the last snow.

OK, it is Christmas Eve and according to all the cards and movies, there should be snow, but since I moved from the north east to the Gulf coast of Texas, I have seen very little snow.  In fact, I can only remember a couple of times in the last 20 years.  The latest one was just a slight dusting on December 11, 2008.  Here is a picture of that:

The one before that happened on Christmas morning back in 2004 when I had a travel trailer and we were set up at Galveston State Park.  We woke up Christmas morning to this:

I guess these pictures are my Christmas card to you all.  Have a blessed and joyful Christmas.


  1. Awww,Dizzy , you ain't complaining about no snow are you? Well, you could head north back to the home state and spend a winter. THEN come back here and tell me how much you really miss it? LOL LOL LOL

  2. The last snow I can recall was in Deming a few years back when I DIDN'T leave for the winter. Never do that again. Snow is beautiful as long as someone doesn't put footprints in it and it's viewed from inside a warm house or camper. It's like footprints in the sand....they should never be there.

  3. lol DD that snow was the one when my niece & family, were teaching in Beeville, and had bragged to her 2nd graders, SHE was gonna be here where WE were getting snow on Christmas day. WELLL,,WE didn't get a flake,,but THEY did...lololol. Don't ya love it? I'll bb, tomorrow. So until then, stay warm, cook something to smell good.,,got my potatos cooking, smelling good.

  4. Happy holidays to you and the rest of your family, my friend!

    May the joy of the season be with you!

  5. Ben, no I am not complaining about not having any snow, although I always loved fresh fallen snow, but not the short, dark days of winter and the mess when it melted. I like it here. I do miss friends and family.

    Billy Bob, Yes it is beautiful when new. I used to like to walk through the woods on a cold moonlit night with the crunch of the snow with each step. Of course, no matter what the weather, I always liked to be in the woods.

    Trouble, Yes, the coast got it all and Victoria got even more. Didn’t get any at my home.

  6. Hermit, the same to you, my friend. You snuck that in while I was replying to comments.

  7. Merry Christmas Mr and Mrs DD... the answer to what the keys are about is those unadorned keys are the keys to knowledge...

  8. I remember the snow of Dec 11, 2008 was the last time I saw it.

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved one.

  9. Merry Christmas to you Dizzy. I've got a couple inches on the ground, so it's a white Christmas in northern NH.

  10. TFT, and a Merry Christmas to you, too. If I could remember where I put those keys, maybe I could unlock some knowledge. I have forgotten most of everything I learned (grin).

    MsB, there sure wasn’t much, it was only on leaves and grass, and went away fast. The one on Christmas day turned the beaches on Galveston Island into pure white sand. . .

    6bears, Merry Christmas to you, also. A white Christmas is always nice, for sure.

  11. I'll never forget that day

    Bay CIty, TX
