Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to All

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas morning. I decided to sleep in and when I finally got up, I laid down on the couch and used my tablet to read and post comments on blogs. I am beginning to really like that tablet. My wife was right when she insisted that I get one. It is so easy to use anywhere; anywhere that is where there is a Wi-Fi signal. Of course you can still use it without a signal; you just can’t get on the internet or send and receive e-mails. The only problem is that it will not take my air-card.

Everyone knows about the Christmas Star, but do you know that there was a star that made history this year? It was the first time ever anyone has ever detected a star being eaten by a black hole. The feast lasted quite awhile and this is the first time that it was caught in the act and probably the only time in one’s lifetime. It is quite rare to be able to detect the act. Everything has to be just right. The jets given off by the black hole while devouring the star had to be pointed at us or we would have never known. And, of course someone had to be watching and that person had to have the knowledge to know what he was seeing.

Yes Virginia, there are black holes and they can and do eat stars!! You all relax and have a wonderful Christmas day. Hope you all got what you asked for, I did. We got badly needed rain and we couldn’t have received a better gift. You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Merry Christmas Dizzy. May you and yours have a great one.

  2. Merry Christmas!
    I'm online trying figure out how much my husband spent on a diamond ring for me. My husband is never dull...double talk and full of surprises. I need prepare myself for the bill that comes after the gift. I often return expensive jewlery. I would rather him home in lew of him working the hours to pay for the jewlery. But I have to say this ring has a lot of weakness. and I have no other chocolate diamonds....( Chocolate diamond..what a marketing stones "chocolate", they probably couldn't get people to buy that grade in the past)
    okay, off the computer and back to the family.

    P.S. I did find how much he spent, Oh, the internet!

  3. You becoming a couch potato? or Couch surfer? :-) Said it won't take your air card? card won't plug in or it won't read it? No wifi in your house?

  4. 6bears, thank you and a very merry Christmas to you and yours.

    Jill, if he really wants you to have the ring, maybe you should keep it.

    Ben, I do have my own Wi-Fi at my house but not everywhere on the road. The air card will plug in but it will not run on Android. It needs Windows to work.

  5. Looks like you got all your presents early this year... have a wonderful Christmas...

  6. THT, yep, in fact for many years in the future.
