Monday, December 26, 2011

Wondering if new gadgets can be a step back.

If you read my daily blog, you know that both my wife and I got new Toshiba tablets, and it has been a learning experience, but we both really like them. I have discovered one thing about them that tries to push me back into the dark ages. It is the key board on them. I can type 50 to 60 words per minute, but I have to rest my two index fingers on the keys, my left hand finger on the “F” and my right hand finger on the “J”. That is the way I learned way back when I was in high school; way before computers were nothing but science fiction and the first ones were humongous and used punch cards. That does not work on the tablets since touching the screen is the way you communicate with them and the screen is very sensitive to a touch. So, I can’t rest my index fingers on the key board. I have switched to the Columbus method (find a key and land on it).

Do you know because of the over 50 years of typing my way, I don’t know where any of the keys are located. The way I type, it is just automatic. I seem to know where every key is located and never look at the keyboard. Now that I am trying to type two finger style, I have discovered that the location of the keys don’t make sense and I have a lot of trouble finding the ones I want to use. I guess I will just have to lean to type without resting my index fingers on the screen. But sometimes I am holding the tablet and want to type in something, and then I have to use one hand. I guess I will learn the location of them eventually with practice. Maybe I can become a one finger speed typist. Of course if I would use two fingers I could really fly, right? It is funny that after all these years of typing; I have to learn the keyboard all over again.

You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Short of getting the external keyboard, think you are out of luck. I have an old friend who ,( Like Andy Rooney) types with two fingers!! Bet he can do 70/80 words a minute. He just never learned the whole hand method. Maybe you can "unteach" yourself the speed typing.
    Or get an "app for that", that does voice to text translation. :-)

  2. It already has the voice to text thing. Just never used it. Actually, the key board is almost full size and I could plug a keyboard into it but then it would not be as portable.

  3. Lol, DD, Don't you "wonder" how they teach typing now?,,or, do they? I do the same as you, but i've known 2 finger ones that can type almost as fast as me. I also ran a calculator without looking, a speed demon. lol.

  4. Dizz I'm still amazed that I can comment on your blog.I use the two finger system of typing so you will find my comments short unless I can cut an paste.It has been a pleasure the last few years staying up with your blog.

  5. Did you ever wonder why those keys are where they are?

  6. Trouble, good question, I don’t know how they teach it now or if they do. I learned in school and it was the best course I ever took, still use what I learned today.

    Ted, The two finger method is the easiest for me to use on the tablet. Thank you for the complement.

    Lou, Yes I have. I figured it was one of two reasons, the first being the placement of the most used letters in easier to reach locations and the second may be just to mix us up (grin).

  7. It's easy enough to get a full size bluetooth keypad is it not?

  8. I don't know for 100% certain, but I always heard that the keys were placed as they are configured today because typists back in the day typed so fast the keys were jamming up. In other words, they made the keyboard ridiculous in order to slow good women down! In the last typing test I took I typed 120 wpm, so that is why I returned my iPad2 after a week of trial. I rest my fingers on the keyboard also, and don't ever want to have to type with two fingers. If I do, I might as well learn to text.

  9. TFT, yes I could use an attached keyboard but that would defeat the purpose of the tablet.

    Gypsy, WOW, 120 wpm is super sonic fast!! Now I know why you want a full size keyboard. The one on the tablet is about a half inch or so shorter and you can't rest your fingers on it.

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