Friday, December 23, 2011

Wondering about old keys.

There is something mystifying and magical about old keys.  The locks they opened are long forgotten as were the things, places, or people that they the locks protected or kept secured.  Old keys fascinate me; I love to think or imagine what they were used for and what the people who used them were like.  We could make up stories about each old key, but I bet the real stories would be more fascinating or maybe the keys were just used for everyday mundane things, like the keys I use daily.  That is probably the case, but it is more interesting to believe that they were used in special romantic or adventurous ways.  Here is a picture of some of my old keys, what do you think they were used for?

There is something mystifying and magical about old keys.  The locks they opened are long forgotten as were the things, places, or people that they the locks protected or kept secured.  Old keys fascinate me; I love to think or imagine what they were used for and what the people who used them were like.  We could make up stories about each old key, but I bet the real stories would be more fascinating or maybe the keys were just used for everyday mundane things, like the keys I use daily.  That is probably the case, but it is more interesting to believe that they were used in special romantic or adventurous ways.  Here is a picture of some of my old keys, what do you think they were used for?


  1. Nice collection but DO NOT try to get through security at the Airport with them in your pocket. :-)

  2. Why not? That would take their attention away from the gun in my other pocket (grin)

  3. DD, you got the makings of one heck of a noisy wind chime.

  4. I have so many keys that I should throw out because I don't have a clue what they are for. On the other hand, the lock on my storage shed is going to have to be cut because I can't find the key. I need a system!

  5. Any progress on the new puters?
    And watch that double talk,,,hahahahaha.

  6. With Dizzy's permission I'll offer a suggestion to Gypsy .. Put a combination lock on the shed, and get one that has a key to reset the combination.

  7. I'm with you on those old keys, DD. I also love to the old locks. Those hand made locks that the key fits so perfectly into. I'll bet you could make a lock for each one of them. However; that was a time when most people respected a locked door, box, cabnet or what ever more than they do today. They were easy to pick.

  8. I see at least one or two "skeleton keys" in that bunch!

    Most look like the old keys for indoor door locks, but you just never know!

    I like them all!

  9. I don't know if you've ever heard of The Elizabethan Symbol game DD but the sort of keys you have there are said to unlock a particular sort of treasure.
    Any idea what the treasure might be?
    Think about it...
    I might let you in on the secret tomorrow...

  10. I think the set of keys on the ring are for the front and back doors of a farmhouse. The key touching the top of the ring is for a bank deposit box. Inside the box is the money a man kept from his wife! The key in the bottom right corner is to a room where crazy relatives were hid. ( I have to many crazy relatives and to few locks)
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  11. Jimcabob, If I wore them all hanging from my belt, you could hear me coming a mile away.

    Gypsy, I have a box that I empty my pockets in. That way I always know where my keys are. Now, a woman with multiple purses could have a problem, for sure.

    Trouble, Yes, but still have lots to learn. Got both up and running.

    Ben, I need all the help I can get.

    Lou, I do have some real old pad locks. Trouble is, I can’t remember where I put them. I wonder if any of these keys fit them. Most things were not locked, back in those “good ole days”.

    HJ, some are thin enough to be skeletons. . bet they could all tell good stories. Maybe the skeleton key could tell about all the skeletons in the closets.

    TFT, No, I have never heard of that game. But maybe a few of them could be used as the “key to my heart”. (grin)

    Jill, you may be right. My grandparents could tell me, if they were still around. And a merry Christmas to you, too, and to everyone.

  12. No white Christmas in PA. Mud is the word! lots of mud.

  13. That was a good paragraph that you wrote about the keys. If I had written it I would have posted it twice also. HA

  14. Ed, guess I cut and pasted the wrong second paragraph. At least you didn't have to read the rest of my blog. Got off easy today.
