Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Maybe a hold on blogging for a few days.

I checked my email early yesterday afternoon and found an email from my favorite customer.  He had some work for me.  It will probably take up most of the week.

When I have work, I usually spend all the time on it that I can.  The sooner I get it done, the better my customers like it.  Therefore, I will not be writing a blog until I get the job done.  I may sneak in here and comment on some blogs, or maybe do a quick blog of my own, but don't expect to see a lot of me for a few days.

Thanks for understanding and don't forget about me (grin).


  1. Work? reminded me of Maynard G. Krebs :-)

  2. Positive cash flow can be a wonderful thing.

  3. Gotta make hay while the sun shines, so they say!

    Wityh all the food and gas prices on the rise, you may need all the work you can get for a while!

    We'll still be here when you get back! Have fun!

  4. I won't forget about you. It is nice go have a job to do once in a while.

  5. hope you have a good work week. We will be here when you get back,enjoy@ Blessings jane

  6. "don't forget about me" Thats as easy to do as forget about a T Rex on tail.

  7. Well...are you done yet..

  8. OK, emialed in all the drawings at 14:30 this afternoon. Dang, took longer than I thought.

  9. Careful all work and no play makes a man Dizzy.
