Sunday, March 20, 2011

Got the job done.

OK, got that paying job done and got all the drawings emailed in around 14:30 yesterday. Sure glad that it is over. Like Barney, The Old Fat Man, commented on my last blog, “Careful all work and no play makes a man Dizzy”. Yep, Barney, I have had trouble standing up today. . .

Let me tell you how I work when I get a job. As soon as I receive a job, I start on it and don’t quit until it is done. The only brakes I take are for self preservation, like eat, sleep a little, etc. I start as soon as I wake up and usually don’t quit until an hour or so before I go to bed. I like to take some time to wind down.

In the past, when I was busy, I worked through Christmas and New Years, straight. I never charged an exorbitant amount, so to get ahead, I worked a lot of hours and as many as I could fit in each week. Now that I have had a taste of what I used to do, I have decided that I like retirement better. I do not want to get busy again. A small job now and then would be OK to keep my abilities well tuned, but I am hoping I can stay in tune for long periods without any retuning required. (grin)

Thank you all for your comments containing support and humor. I feel that I have found a treasure in my blogging friends and sure did miss you this past week.

That sure was a bright moon last night. It was clearing off real fast and I had to wait awhile for a littlie bunch of clouds to come by to get this picture of the largest moon through the east Texas pines and the clouds.

Glad to be back and thanks for waiting.


  1. Sure glad you're back,missed you. Remember, all work and no play makes Dick a dull boy.:-)
    Go reintroduce yourself to your wife!! :-)

  2. Welcome back Dizzy,Sounds like you have been very busy,i like retirement better too! Blessings jane

  3. Yeah!! We have our DD back! Good picture..the moon has been fabulous the last few days.

  4. Nothing like the finishing of a job started! I'm glad you're finished and back at the Blog again!

    Right you are about the moon! Very pretty the last two nights here in my back yard!

  5. Hey Ben, glad to be back. I'm not sure it is just work that makes me a dull boy. . .

    Yep Jane, there is a lot to be said about retirement. Although I like my work, I like my retirement better (grin).

    Frann, that moon sure has been bright. I took that picture early, aboout 22:30, but had to take a dog out early this morning about 03:30 and it was so bright you could read a newspaper, that is if I had on my trifocals. . .

    Hermit, thanks for stopping by and I am glad to be back. I missed you all.

  6. Well now that you're retired again come back down to Terlingua for a visit.

  7. It's good to see you back online. Missed ya.

  8. David, I am thinking about it, for sure. That is why I asked you when the ocotillo would be in bloom. Thinking I should come in April like last year. Only got to meet you at the mail boxes for a couple of minutes last year.

  9. Gypsy, Makes me feel good that I was missed, and it is good to be back. When the price of oil goes up, Houston gets busy so I hopo this isn't the start of them wanting a lot of work out of me.

  10. Have you passed yer trade on to the next generation? maybe yer son would like to pick up the torch?

    Yer son Nick

  11. Nick, no, he is not interested. Now my fist born son was interested, and actually got a job in the shop of one of my customers, but he went and got himself killed in a highway accident. He left an 8 year old son who is now 21. My grandson makes too much money doing contract work and is not interested. Do you want to take over??

  12. Hey Nick, I can't find a place to leave a comment on your blog. I liked your song and cartoon. Hope you read this.

  13. Dizz I saw that moon last night it made me start to thinking something wrong.Had to clear up my mind about Easter

  14. Ted, Man makes things complacated, nature makes things simple.

  15. Hey Dizzy, sorry it took so long to reply but Ive been real busy out here in gator land.

    If I can work from a computer and phone maybe.:)

    thanks about the song and you can leave a comment on the youtube page just look for where it says view comments.
