Monday, March 14, 2011

Wondering about people we don’t know.

Wow, that is kind of a confusing title to this blog. Of course I have been known to have been confused a lot in the past and maybe more so in the future. What I meant to say in the title is you see people that you have never seen before, or people who you have seen but have never spoken to, or have just casually spoken to but do not know much about them, and wonder what they are really like or what all they have done.

As you know, if you read my blog, that my wife and I frequent flee markets a lot. She is always looking for something for her crafting and art work and I just look and sometimes find something I want. (Remember the paper cutter I found?)

A month or so ago, I was just walking down one of the outside covered tables and up a head I heard a fellow say “Hey, ZZ Top”. I looked up and he was looking at me!! I said, no I am not, but I did see one of them at the NHRA Drag races. He laughed and we chatted a little bit. He was selling prints of his art work and they were very nice.

Since my wife likes to walk through the outside part both Saturday and Sunday each week, I would get to see him often and he kept calling me ZZ Top, or Billy Gibbons. We would talk some unless he was busy with a customer. Well, yesterday I stopped and talked to him. He showed me an old guitar that he brought in to sell to some fellow for $30.00. We talked for awhile until my wife came back to see where I was. I bought one of his prints:

Sorry about the quality of the picture, I didn't want to use a flash and I used my old camera.  Did you see the wolf paw print on the horse? I wonder what else is hidden in the picture. He is a great artist, and being a Native American (Shoshone), he specializes in Indian art, and he is a soft spoken, well educated man. When I said educated, I mean educated:

Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas – BA

Lee College, Baytown, Texas - AAGS, AST, AA

Lee College, Baytown, Texas - Electronics Technician Certificate: 1986

He also gave me a calendar with another sample of his artwork. His name is L. David Eveningthunder and he is one of the most interesting persons I have ever met. Tell you what, go to his website and take a look:

While you are at that site, don’t forget to click on “Biography” and learn about his past. He is very talented and interesting fellow. I feel blessed to have met him.

On our short drive home, we stopped at another smaller flea market. I got talking to another vendor about the tragedy in Japan. He told me that he (a young man) was going to retire until this happened. What is the connection? Well, this guy has a website that gets way over a million hits a month and a Japenese business was going to buy him out. Life is tough, but right now it is a lot tougher for the Japenese.

Have a good week now, you hear?


  1. Nice print DD. Funny how some people you meet you just click with and some you might want to strangle after the first meeting. ;)

  2. And some you first think are nice and you want to strangle later, and visa versa.

  3. That is a nice print,finding new friends,real ones is great,I have met some people I will never forget,and others I wish I could forget! Blessings jane

  4. Very nice print. It is nice to be able to establish a rapport with someone you don't know and then discover what a nice person they are.

  5. Jane, It is a lot nicer than this picture makes it look. I always like to find new friends.

    MsBelinda, Yes it is. It is a shame how many opportunities we let get by without trying to make a connection.

  6. nice work! thanks for the link
