Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Crying My Eyes Out

My wife of over 50 some years just passed away last night with me holding her hand.  I can't seem to quit crying and probably will always have a tear in my eye.  I miss her oh so much.

Don't feel much posting, so I may not make any new posts for a few days.  Got to take some time to heal, if ever.

Hope your week is going better than mine.


  1. WOW DD that is rough for sure. I wish you the best for your future. The one time I met her she impressed me as being a great lady. Thank you for letting us know.

  2. Dizzy I am so sorry to learn about your wife's passing. I know that there are no words to make you feel better at this time. My sincere condolences. May your wife rest in peace.

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  4. I'm so sorry to hear that, Dizzy; you'll be in my prayers for quite a while.

  5. Oh no, I'm so sorry! Take all the time you need but we are here for you when you come back.

  6. Thank you everybody for your kind thoughts and wishes.

  7. So sorry Dizzy, so hard to lose someone you have spent a lifetime with. Hold her in your heart.

  8. So very sorry for your loss DD. RIP

  9. I was sorry to read this tonight Dizzy. Truly sad. I have never experienced anything like losing someone I have known so well over all those years. I can only wish you strength to somehow carry on.

  10. I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my husband 7 years ago so know your pain.

  11. I still tear up a lot and sometimes actually cry my eyes out. I can only hope that time will soften the pain and emptiness, but do doubt it.

  12. My condolences. She will always be with you in your heart.

  13. So sorry for your loss . My wife of 47 years passed two years ago . I wish I had words that would help with the pain but there never seemed to be any. Vern in Boise

  14. Very sorry for your loss, Dizzy.

  15. I am so so sorry to hear this. I know she was the love of your life. At least you were able to be with her when God called her home. I will keep you in my prayers that God will comfort you. We are all here for you; take all the time you need. We'll be here when you feel like blogging again.

  16. Our Deepest Condolences. It takes a real man to show their emotions and crying is one of them. Depend on the support of Family and Friends for the next short while.

  17. God bless you, Dizzy. I'm so very sorry.

  18. Oh Dizzy ... I'm so very sorry to hear that. I'm sure you made it much easier for her, knowing you were there and holding her hand. I can't imagine how hard that must be for you. You will see her again, I've no doubt.

  19. I'm so deeply sad for you in your grief, Sir. Knowing myself how crushing this is, I also know Time carries us through so many heartbreaks. Try to keep up your strength health-wise, for we all care.
    Bless you and your family Dizzy.

  20. Thank you all for your wonderful comments, they are all helpful. I will never stop missing her and it will take a long, long time before I stop crying. The tears just seem to swell up in my eyes.

  21. So sorry to hear this from you! I went through the same thing in March and no, I don't think the pain will ever go away. It will change but it will always be there, and i don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. You will be facing a lot of changes and challenges but you will get through it. Lots of positive energy being sent your way!

    1. Sorry to hear that you had to go through this, also. Thank you for giving me hope.

  22. We are so sorry to hear such sad news. I hope you can take comfort on knowing you were there with her all the while. I hope family and friends are close by to help you with this burden and getting through these next days. Hugs and kind thoughts and prayers. Karen and Steve

    1. My daughter-in-law was there for me and today my son got a leave from work in Alaska and showed up to give me a great big hug. Glad to have them here.

  23. Oh! Dear DD. God must have needed her now, and He is in charge. Be thankful that you had all those years with her, I wish that I had had that many with my Johnnie. I am praying that the adjustment to your new life comes easily, because it will be a NEW life and she would want you to be happy in it. Hugs, Penny

    1. Thanks Penny for your encouraging words. I just feel so empty and lonely. . .

  24. Dizzy, I just can't absorb this news. I hope Ruth passed easily and is in a good place now. I will surely miss her, as will anyone who had contact with her. My deepest sympathies are with you.

    1. Thanks Gypsy, it was so unexpected. She had abdominal surgery and was still in the hospital when it happened. Don't know what happened. Her heart started beating faster and faster until it quit. Miss her so and keep from crying.

  25. I lost my 3rd son 2 years ago, but if i think of him and not MYself, hes with God now and not in pain. I see a flick sometimes,, know hes watching over me. You have a hard time ahead, never having been alone, but remember, she's there! Talk to her, it's ok. Cry all you need to,,, no shame in that. Change things in your life, will help you live with your grief. Get outside, get in touch with nature and God. Go visit friends, and new places. I've enjoyed being your friend and these years, and plan on being still!

    1. My son, who had been working in northern Alaska, got three weeks off and came home. He and his wife had spent a lot of time with me and even got me to laugh a couple of times, but when I am alone, I feel really alone and empty.

    2. and when you laughed, you felt so guilty. That 'alone' will be there for a long time. That's why i said to change things, get out and do other things, it will help when you are alone.

  26. I have no words that can truly convey my deep felt sympathy. I am glad I had the joy of meeting her.

    1. Thank you for your comment. She enjoyed meeting you at that campground.

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