Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sorry It Has Been So Long

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile, but my wife is in the hospital and I have been trying to spend as much time with her as I can along with taking care off our two house dogs, cooking for them and me.  It has been exhausting, but we will get through this and she should be home soon, I sure hope so.  I hope you all are having a great day.


  1. I have been thinking of your wife, and hope she is soon able to come home (and you can cook for her, the pups, and yourself). Please give her my regards and let her know I'm thinking about her.

  2. Oh, Dizzy you do not need to apologize right now your priority is your wife's health. I wish her a speedy recovery. Thinking of you both and sending healing thoughts your way.

  3. I hope she does well with whatever she is ailing from. Be nice to her or she might treat you like you deserve.

  4. Sending healing thoughts to your wife.

  5. Sorry to read about your wife. Sending healing thoughts her way and for you also. Hope she gets to come home soon.

    1. I hope she gets home soon, too, I miss her here. The dirty dishes are piling up (grin).

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's "incarceration" Dizzy. I said a prayer for the both of you.

    1. Thanks Gorges, prayer is the best medicine. God bless you.

  7. My friend...I hope your dear wife and you get through this rough spot and I am sending all the positive thoughts I can to her.

    1. Thanks Mr. Hermit. I just got back from the hospital and she is in good spirits but really wants to come home. I hope it will only be one or two more days at the most.

  8. So sorry to hear your wife is in the hospital Will keep her and you in my prayers. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

    1. Thanks linda, she may be coming home tomorrow.

  9. I'm hoping all is well by now for your wife and you. All the best to you both. Give us a holler when you get a chance, DD.

    1. She had a serious operation and I just got back from seeing her and she is awake but hurting real bad.
