Monday, April 1, 2019

Where Did Summer Go???

The beautiful warm weather we have been having has spoiled me and then, wham, the temperatures took a nose dive.  Yep went from temps in the seventies pushing eighty down to freezing.  When we first moved to Texas, we were told that there was nothing between us and the north pole except a few strands of barbed wire and I have to believe that.  Back when we lived in Justin, Texas, about half way between Fort Worth and Denton, it was so flat and mostly treeless you could almost see to the north pole (grin).

One thing for sure, summer is coming and it will be hot and humid, so I am going to enjoy this cool weather for as long as it lasts.  You know you can always add layers of clothes for when it gets cold but you can only take off so much when it gets hot.  Once you get down to bare skin, that is far as I will go.  One thing for sure, the closer you get to the equator, the warmer it gets.  I am now living in Texas which is a lot closer to the equator than in Pennsylvania where I was born, raised, and lived the first part of my life.  Now, you all keep warm or cool, which ever you prefer, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I will leave the TEXAS HEAT to you hardy folks. I have done my time in HEAT HELL called coastal Texas.

    1. The winters are so nice, can't expect the summers to be pleasant, too. I paid my dues for half my life living up in snow land.

  2. Same here in the Mid-Ohio Valley - 70F the other day and 23F last night and WINDY!

    1. One thing about the weather is that it is always changing, but sometimes the changes are few and far between.

  3. Heck yes, we were 80 degrees a fews day ago here as well , in Oklahoma, got up this morning 28! brr..

  4. Can't believe you are freezing down there!

    In the 80's there were some salvage stores in Justin I used to visit and also a seed store. A friend and I used to meet up in Bishop Park in Justin.

    It sounds like we are all getting the same weather these days.

    1. Yep, they did have a lot of salvage stores. We bought a lot of our food and supplies in that little town.

  5. Our mornings are still in the high 40's to mid 50's the days are anywhere from the mid 70's to mid 80's but the wind is a pain in the neck and keeps you from being outside enjoying the wonderful temps.

  6. Guess I will have to still stay warm. High today is around fifty with rain. Yesterday it was about 45 but very windy - the kind that chills you to the bone. Enjoy your nice weather.

    1. Cold isn't so bad but when the wind blows the cold bites right through you. I know, I was only a southern boy the last half of my life. I spent the first half in Pennsylvania and then a few years in Michigan.

  7. Mornings have been cool for this time of the year. However, by Thursday it will be in the 90's...:-(

    1. You live further south than I do, so it must be hotter than up here in Cut & Shoot.
