Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Field Full of Color

Today we took a trip to town to get supplies and I decided to take the back road.  Just as I turned off on that road, there was a field full of color.  Blue Bonnets mixed with a red flower that I am not sure what species they were.  They were really beautiful so I took a picture of them with my little camera.  The picture sure doesn't show just how beautiful they were.  Anyway, here is the picture I took:

Yes, I know this picture spills out of the allotted area provided for text and pictures, but if I shrink it down too much, you could not see the beauty of this field.  If you click on it, maybe it will enlarge for your viewing.  This is a beautiful time of the year, but I see beauty in things every day as should we all.  Now, you all have a great evening.


  1. Texas was pretty in the spring!

    1. And still is. The new leaves on the trees are all different shades of green.

  2. NIce shot love the wild flowers.

    1. Thanks, JO. Sometimes I think I should get a better camera, but then I would probably not know how to use it and it may not fit into my shirt pocket like this one does.

  3. I love this time of the year for flowers!

    1. Yep, it sure is. And it isn't too hot to go out and enjoy them.

  4. Replies
    1. I bet you have some beautiful wild flowers down your way. The cacti should be blooming, too.

  5. Very pretty. Springtime is my favorite time next to Fall

    1. When I lived in Pennsylvania, the Fall colors were spectacular and we would take rides to the mountains and see the spectacular colors. Down here in this part of Texas, maybe that tree over there changes color then next week maybe another one does. They don't ever seem to change at the same time.

  6. Gotta love the spring flowers there I think the red ones could be Indian Paint brush.

    1. That is what my wife told me after she read my blog posting. Just outside my house there are blue, red, yellow, and white flowers blooming, but they are not grouped together like in that field where I took the picture.

  7. We still have full fields of white. It got into the 50s today, but was snowing by this evening. Lovely.

    1. I grew up in western Pennsylvania and I remember crocuses pushing up through the snow and blooming. First sign of spring up there. Here, all the trees already have their full coating of leaves and right now 9:13 it is still 80 degrees.

  8. i think they are indian paintbrush or some such name used to live there ladybird johnson started the beautify the highway project.
