Sunday, March 4, 2018

Night Time Visitor.

My son has been having a night time visitor.  He has seen it a few times and says it is quite large.  Its frontend is huge and muscular and it is every bit the predator.  Since my son and his wife have quite a varied collection of pets and farm animals, including chickens, ducks, geese, quail,  goats, etc.  I would say that the night time visitor is after the poultry.

Like I said, he has seen it many times and just lately, his game camera has caught it in infra-red light.  Here is a picture of the big coyote that is showing up for a midnight snack:

It is a little blurred, since he really didn't want to pose for a portrait.  He said he hadn't had a chance to comb his hair.

My son said for me not to let my pups out at night alone, so I go out with them and stand guard.  They complain about not having any privacy, but you know for dogs and humanity, those who want safety and protection from their government always end up as servants and slaves.  Of course in my case, I am our pups' slave, but I don't mind at all.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I would not want to run into him at night or for that matter anytime.

    1. I stand guard at night now when my pups go out. If I see that coyote trying to get hold of my pups, he will not live to try again.

  2. That is a good photo. Would a coyote bother a human adult, say you, while guarding your dogs?

    1. They're first instinct is to run, but yes, they have large teeth and sharp claws and have been known to attack humans. I stand guard now when the pups go out after dark.

  3. Even here in the city we have coyotes. Most people I know won't let their dogs out alone at night anymore. You are a good "papa" to your pups.

    1. I try. Those pups are our kids and a huge part of our family. You know, they even allow us to live in their house as long as my wife cooks for them.

  4. Standing guard outside after dark, sounds like the Texas from the old westerns!

  5. im wanting to put up a security camera because i know theres lots of things that come up here from the river, about 2 blocks from me. i just want to see what all does.

    1. Security cameras are on all the time and send video to a monitor. What my son has are game cameras that take digital pictures when there is movement within their range.

  6. Replies
    1. I am sure where there is one there is a lot more.

  7. We had a moose in our yard last week...I wouldn't want to come face to face with either of these creatures.

    1. A moose could do a lot of damage. We don't have moose down here in Texas, at least none that I know of.
