Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Time For Some More Questions and Answers

I got some questions and answers for you today.  I will list the questions first and at the end of the posting, will list the answers.  That way you will be able to see right away if you got them right or wrong and if you please, let us all know how you did.

1.   Where and when was a child born to the youngest parents ever?

2.   Which baseball player wore a cabbage leaf under his cap and for what reason?

3.    How many dimples are on a regulation golf ball?

4.    In space, can astronauts cry?

5.    What is the average speed that catsup (or Ketchup) leaves the bottle?

6.     Are babies born with kneecaps?

7.     Which weighs more, an average elephant or the tongue of a blue whale.

8.     What is the longest word that can be typed using only the left hand?

9.    How many US states claim that their test scores in their elementary schools are above the national average?

10.   How many ridges are around a dime?

Ok, that is all the questions.

1.   The world's youngest parents, 8 and 9, lived in China and the year was 1910.

2.   Babe Ruth did to keep his head cool.  He changed it every couple of hours.

3.   There are 336 dimples in a golf ball.

4.    In space, there is no gravity and tears can't flow.

5.    It leaves the bottle at a rate of 25 miles per year.

6.    Not exactly, they are born with cartilage that later hardens into a kneecap.

7.    The elephant weighs less than the tongue of a blue whale.

8.     Stewardesses

9.     All 50 of them.  Now that doesn't seem to add up to me.

10.   A dime has 118 ridges.  Now I wonder how many of you are counting those ridges right now.

OK, that is all the questions and answers.  How many did you get right and which one was a surprise to you?  You all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Sorry DD but not all golf balls have the same number of dimples. It depends on the shape and size of the dimples and characteristics the mfg wants the ball to have.

    1. I sort of questioned that fact when I first read it but since I am not nor never have been a golfer I didn't know any better. I wonder how many other ones are not correct???

    2. I had no special knowledge about any of the others. So I trust you have diligently verified all the rest.

    3. Of course maybe what I posted was for the very first sanctioned golf balls to be use in professional play. I don't know.

  2. Replies
    1. It amazes me that a lot of the facts I look up are new to me.

  3. Replies
    1. I didn't know them so that is why posted them. Don't feel bad, I got zero, too.

  4. I got 0 . Wow, those were tough!

    1. I didn't know any of them, either. But then, I am not the smartest apple on the tree.

  5. 0, but like that you put them on here

    1. Even though I didn't know any of them, I figured someone out there did. So far I haven't heard from anyone who did know some of them.

  6. I couldn't answer a single one of them! Some of the answers surprised me, though.

    1. I answered them all but my answers were wrong.

  7. I wonder if the Canadian dime is the same...if I count the ridges I will let you know lol

    1. Counting the ridges on dimes is not an easy task. You do it and let me know what you find out.
