Monday, December 4, 2017

Buying in Quantity.

I don't usually buy in quantity unless I see a real bargain on
something that I use a lot.  The other day I was in Wal-Mart and one thing that I needed was bathroom tissue.  I usually buy Northern and low and behold, they had a huge package of it.  It just wasn't the small rolls but a big package of Mega-Rolls!!  Yep, I just had to get that.  What a bargain.  There were 18 Mega Rolls.  The package stated that 18 of these huge rolls were equal 72 of the normal size rolls.  You know, that is so much TP that at my age I 
may have to list it in my will. . .

I looked on the internet and found a picture of that package:

OK, enough said about that subject.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. those big rolls likely will n ot fit in my toilet paper holder.

    1. I don't use a holder. Just sit a roll on a flat surface within reach.

  2. All in all this was a great post!

    1. Thanks Rob, but I just couldn't think of a good subject and then I saw that big package of TP.

  3. I buy items such as t.p., paper towels, laundry & dishwashing detergents, etc., in large sizes. If the sale is good I'll even buy more than one. They last and I never worry about running short.

    1. Yep, it is a good idea to have the supplies you need handy.

  4. They didn't fit in my toilet paper storage and holder but heck the stuff lasts a long time.

    1. They sure do last a long time, that is why I will have to put them in my will. . .

  5. Replies
    1. Me too, except "love" might just be too strong a word. . .

  6. I just ordered 3 of these 18 packs on Wal-Mart dot com. Just under $17 ...ordered 3 packs, so free shipping.
    And I never use the TP holder.. just sit it somewhere nearby.
