Thursday, November 30, 2017

Almost Looks Like Winter

Yesterday morning, we woke up to a very foggy, damp morning.  There was dew everywhere.  I thought it was different, since I had never seen anything that looked just like this before:

Just in case you can't make it out in the above picture, here is a closer look at it:

What it was, is that there seemed to be a lot of small spider webs on the trees and the dew formed on them.  I didn't see any spiders so am not quite sure what the webs were from or what made them.  That doesn't matter, they looked eerily beautiful to me.  Always take time to look at the beauty that Mother Nature makes out of just simple things and have a great day, you hear?


  1. It almost looks like ice crystals. Seems like it would have to be spider webs, but it is strange.

  2. I too thought they looked like ice crystals. I love where you live, out in the country but within a stones throw of the big city.

    1. You could never get me to live in a city, been a country boy all my live. I grew up playing and hunting in the forest behind my parents' house. Only once for a very short duration did I live in a town.

  3. I get the snow look without the spiders.

    1. Yep, but I get it with nice warm, balmy weather (grin).

  4. That is so pretty! Happy December.

    1. Dang, since you mentioned it, I had to look at the date on my computer and my watch. Yep, it is December already. Where did July and August go???

  5. Replies
    1. Didn't last long but, yes, it was pretty. Have you ever seen anything like that?
