Monday, November 6, 2017

I Used To Be Good AT .. . .

Way back a few hundred years ago when I was a boy. . . Well maybe not a few hundred years, but it was a long time ago.  We kids were given an assignment at school to draw pictures of birds and label them.  I think that the teacher also wanted us to tell something about each bird.

Back then, I was quite good at drawing pictures of things, especially pictures that someone else had drawn.  So, I got out my Peterson's Field Guide to the Birds and started drawing and then coloring them with crayons.  I thought that I had done a great job but after the teacher graded them and returned them to us, I was shocked to see I got an "F".  My parents were furious.  In fact they went to see that teacher and the teacher said that the pictures were so perfect they had to be traced.  My parents insisted that I didn't trace them, but had just drew what I saw in the book.  Yep, the pictures in that book were drawn and painted by Peterson himself.

I guess the only moral to this story is that sometimes a person (or kid) can do some things too well.  I don't think that I could do that good of job anymore.  I am out of practice.  Of course if Grandma Moses could start painting in her old age, I should be able to sketch, draw, and/or paint in my old age.  Maybe I should sign my painting as Great Grandpa Dizzy. . .


  1. To quote the hippies, "If it feels good, do it."

    1. That is true although following that advice may get you in trouble... (grin)

  2. Why not give it a shot if it so pleases you

    1. I have done quite a few paintings in the past few years, but no drawings. I think it would please me to try some drawings again.

  3. I hated when something like that happened to me. I don't know if I was more angry, confused or disappointed.

    As for drawing now, go for it!

  4. It's never too late to take a stab drawing again...

    1. Not as long as I can see and my hand works. I will take a stab at it for sure.

  5. Dear Great Grandpa Dizzy,

    You still possess a natural gift. It is never too late to develop it. Perhaps you should do a painting for each grandchild.

    1. Had two sons, only have one now. Have one grandson (whose Dad was killed in a traffic accident) and one (his son) great grandson. Also have two step grandkids.

  6. I have never been good at drawing. That is funny tho that your pictures were so good that the teacher thought you traced them. You showed pick it up again as a hobby.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I have done painting and posted on the blog a while back. Yep, you are right, I should try it again.

  7. I'd say that you should do what feels right!

    1. It may be time to try drawing birds again. When or if I do, I will put them on my blog, good or bad.

  8. I would have taken it as a compliment that your drawings were so good that they questioned their origins.

    So glad your parents took up for you and met with said teacher.

    Now go draw something and post on your blog. #Houston Proud

    1. I would have if I had received an A for the work.

  9. My favorite little bird is the black capped chickadee. I tried drawing it from looking at a picture in a book, and did an ok job. I'd like to see what you can do with that little darling bird!

  10. In history class we were making a plaster map of our county, and i was looking at a map and drawing the creeks, free handing, when the teacher walked over and told me i had to measure everything, and grabbed a tape. When he started the measuring, i had them done perfectly! Just by sight... sooo,,, compliments on your birds!

  11. OK, you draw the creeks, I will draw the birds and now we need someone to draw the trees.
