Friday, November 10, 2017

Funny Story I Found on Line

I love humor and a lot of things make me laugh.  I see humor in things that most people do not.  Sometimes my sense of humor gets me in trouble and sometimes people like it and laugh.  I never know which way they will react.

Well, I actually look for humorous stuff on line.  Some of it is stupid, some of it is sick, some of it is not funny at all, but some of it is funny, at least to me.  For example, here is a funny story that I found at:

Easy to Swallow?My sister, Paula, and her husband, Chris, had just finished tucking their young ones into bed one evening when they heard crying coming from the children's room. Rushing in, they found Tommy crying hysterically.
He had accidentally swallowed a 5p piece and was sure he was going to die.  No amount of talking could change his mind. Trying to calm him, Chris palmed a 5p coin that he happened to have in his pocket and pretended to remove it from Tommy's ear. Tommy, naturally, was delighted.  In a flash, he snatched it from his father's hand, swallowed it and demanded cheerfully - 'Do it again, Dad!'

I had a couple of boys and could really see this happening.  OK, enough for today, hope to see you all tomorrow and make sure that you have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yup I can see that happening ! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I have been a Dad, a granddad, and now am a great grand dad, so have been there, done that.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep. Do you remember the old Art Linkletter's show, "Kids say the darndest things"?

  3. Sometimes you can find great stories on the internet, but it takes some hunting for sure (grin).
