Tuesday, October 24, 2017

I'm Back. . .

No, I didn't go any where, I just couldn't think of a good subject to post about.  I know, you may say that never stopped me before (grin).

Some times I think that I am living in the past.  I had a wonderful time in the past with steam locomotives, great stories on radio and then on black and white TV, enjoying my relatives, and much, much more.  Yes, of course I went through illnesses, sad losses of loved ones, and ups and downs, but mostly I try to forget the bad and remember the good.

Now, I seem to live in the past by watching old black and white TV shows.  I just finished watching Perry Mason.  The old shows to me, are the most enjoyable thing about having Dish satellite TV.  And of course, they televise the NHRA Top Fuel races which I always watch.  OK, I am going to get back to rocking in my chair and watching old TV shows and I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I find myself lost in memories of past times fairly often as of late. I figured it was just an age thing.

    1. Yes, it may be an age thing or maybe it is just the longing to return to those good old days.

  2. Remember the good times and forget the rest.

    1. I try to only remember the best times, but some times the worst times creep in, too.

  3. I love those old black and white TV shows, too. The Westerns are good too, I like them more now than when I was a kid. I don't think I get Perry Mason on the old TV show channel; I'd love to see those again. But on my Sirius radio I get Classic Radio where they have all those old radio dramas 24/7. I listen to them while I'm trying to sleep at night. (That doesn't help going to sleep quickly!) The Green Hornet, The Shadow, Gunsmoke, etc. It's fun to listen to the names of the performers, some of the good old actors that went on to TV. :)

    1. If I remember correctly, it was channel 82 on Dish. My wife likes those old radio shows on Sirius radio and I like the blue grass station on mine.

  4. A great deal of the past was more pleasant than the present, but then maybe our selective memory helps. - lol

    1. I thought it was, but then I remember things like when I was in grade school, we had to practice the "duck and cover" procedure as quickly as possible. There has always been wars and rumors of wars and always will be.

  5. It will be sweet old memories when we look back of our life. There may be positive or negative things. Technology has improved more than the past and life style has got changed too much than past.

    1. I am so old I can remember the first man-made thing put in orbit. Yep, the Soviet Union's Sputnik 1. I was fourteen at the time.

  6. Just got my DVD set of the complete Sanford and Sons series. 136 shows. Not that old for TV shows, but still entertaining.

  7. You aren't alone in loving to watch all those old shows. They were a lot better in most cases than the stuff on today. There is a lot to be said for the "Good Old Days".

  8. Glad to read you again, Dizzy. Thought maybe your chill has gotten you down.

    1. It doesn't take much to get me down anymore, but no, I am OK except for my lower back. I pulled a muscle picking something up off center.
