Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Got a Chill

I have always preferred the cold to the hot.  Even when I was a little guy before I started to school and lived in western Pennsylvania, I would love to go out and play in the snow.  When I got a little older, I would just love to take moonlight walks in the woods after a fresh snow had fallen.  And of course we all wanted a fresh tracking snow for the opening of buck season.  If you remember, I told you that in college I slept beside an open window, even in the winter and sometimes woke up with snow on my covers.  Yep, always preferred cold to hot.

That being said, last night I took a really bad chill and it was 73 degrees in here.  I shook so hard that I am sure I put off some seismic detectors somewhere.  In case you heard reports of a possible earthquake, it was just me shivering.  I can not explain it or what caused it.  I climbed into bed and it took awhile to get my warmth back.  I was not sick and am not sick today, so I have no idea what caused that bad chill and severe shivering.  I have felt normal (for an old guy) all day today.  Hoping that doesn't happen again.  Now, stay warm and cozy and have a great evening, you hear?



  1. When that happens to me, I help it get gone with a glass of very warm water to heat my innards.

    1. Sounds like a good idea. It would be a lot quicker than making a cup of coffee.

  2. I was wondering what that "shaking" was all about. Felt it all the way up here in WI. Just kidding. Hope you aren't coming down with something. Take care of yourself.

    1. I have quit shaking so your tremors should subside quickly. . . I feel much better now, except I am still OLD. . .

  3. That is strange especially since you didn't have other symptoms. I tend to be cold most of the time, but I just dress warmer. I think that is one symptom of thyroid disease. I'll take cooler weather any day.

    1. Could be my thyroid. Ran out of my meds and had to get them refilled yesterday.

    2. I often feel colder than anyone else, probably my thyroid too. I would be shivering at 73 deg. too. But I keep my AC at 78 deg., as that is the temperature that the power company recommends for economy. It's a lot better for it not to be too cold when you are running in and out from the 90+ deg. outside. Hope you feel better soon. Happy Trails and Tails.

    3. Hi Penny. I keep the AC set between 76 and 78, but did not turn on any heat the other night and it got a little cool in here. I like the cool, so don't know why I took that chill. I have been fine ever since.
