Saturday, September 16, 2017

Beating Myself Up.

I have usually heard that phrase, "beating myself up", to mean that I am finding fault with my actions, lack of action, or doing the wrong thing, etc.  But this time it was physical.  Yep, I took a hard fall.  I was bringing in the bird feeder, the suet, and the hummingbird feeder when I came up the steps, opened the screen door and entered the screened in porch section of our deck.  The next thing I knew was that I was laying face down with bird feed all around me.  What the heck happened.  I looked around and saw lots of red fluid beside me.  Oh Oh, am I bleeding that much?  Then I realized that it was the red humming bird liquid feed that spilled after I fell.

That was the night before last and I am still sore.  Got a gash above my wrist a few inches long and my middle finger on my right hand got a deep scrape on it.  Yep, that is the finger that some drivers use to signal to other drivers what their IQ is.  I just sort of hurt all over in general.

Also our male Shih Tzu went to the groomers the day before yesterday.  He was knotted up so bad that the groomer had to shave him.  He is an old dog and has never been shaved before.  I guess that has been quite a traumatic experience for him.  He is still not acting like his old self and he looks oh so much different.  At first glance I thought they were giving us the wrong dog.  I am sure in a couple more days he will get used to it.  He has to feel a lot better, right?  Now, don't fall down and don't get your dogs shaved, but have a great day, you hear?


  1. My wife took a bad fall recently and is paying for it. I know the last one I had, I was even sore inside. Life ain't easy on us old folks! Hope you heal-up quickly.

    1. Sure hope your wife is OK and will be back to normal real soon. I just feel lucky that it wasn't worse. I think I will heel quite fast.

  2. I am glad we are fluffy to make our falls less traumatic.

    1. My stomach didn't get hurt, does that mean it was well padded with that fluffy stuff? Yep, I think so.

  3. Sorry to hear about your tumble, but I'm glad nothing was broke! Be careful out there!

    1. My wife thinks I am an accident waiting to happen. And you know, wives are always right. . .

  4. Remember, getting old is not for wimps! Hope your feeling better soon & puppy feels better about himself. Becki

    1. It will take awhile for both the pup and me to be back to normal, but today I feel a lot better than I did the last couple of days.

  5. When I was young I used to wonder why older folks fell so much. Didn't they know how to "watch your step". Now I'm old and terrified of falling, and it just happens and we don't even know what happened. I hope you recover quickly, and thank goodness you didn't break anything.

    1. I had my hands full and I got the door open a bit and tried to get in through it before it closed. The door won the race.

  6. I am so glad you didn't get seriously hurt. What would your poor wife do if you were both laid up at the same time? At "our" age we really need to watch our step and not fall. Anyways; please be careful and I hope you stop hurting real soon.

    1. Yes, I should be more careful, but that is not always easy to do. That was just a reminder that I am getting old (74) and should start being more careful, but then that would not be as much fun.

  7. I am so sorry to hear that but glad you did not break something. Hope you and your doggy get back to your old selves soon.

    1. I would rather get back to my younger self, but that is impossible.

  8. Hope you get to feeling better soon. I know that flying leap I took a few months ago has left be really careful but still one never knows.

    1. Accidents do happen but most of them could have been prevented. BTW, I brought in the same handful of bird feeders tonight with no problem.

  9. Wow, you're lucky you weren't hurt worse. I worry so much about falls. I've fallen or slipped and ended up on the ground a couple of times and have been lucky. Why is it always coming in or out of a doorway? Poor pup - going to the groomers has never been a favorite of any of my past dogs. I used to cut the matts off my poodle/terrier, but her hair was so fine it was hard to keep it brushed. Sooner or later, it was off to the groomers for a shorter cut.

    1. Yes I was lucky I didn't get hurt worse but was unlucky that I fell in the first place.

  10. i walk slow and careful, but i know i could still fall. Like going out my back door yesterday, gonna step down, about 8", and thot i saw something i didnt want to step in, so changing in mid-step almost made me fall. Turned out it wasjust a yellow leaf... lol.

    1. It doesn't take much to make one off balance and possibly fall. Be careful.
