Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Sign Of a Better Day

.It was the end of my second year of attending Penn State University.  At the time, I was living in a house off campus where other students and grad-students lived.  We had finished our finals and were waiting for the results.  I expressed my uneasiness to the group and one grad-student said that he had been grading the final tests and that I had failed the test.  This test was very important, I needed that class credit to go on.

Yep, that hit me real hard and I walked out of the house, got into my car, and headed for the mountains.  The forests have always been my best friend and I sure needed a friend so I headed for the mountains.  Parked my car and took off on foot.  Walked and walked and it started to get dark.  So, I found a good spot, sort of a depression, and filled it with hemlock branches and leaves.  Collected some more branches to cover over with and went to bed.  Oh what a beautiful star filled night sky overhead.

The next morning I woke feeling a lot better and then noticed two deer standing a short ways off, staring at me.  To me, that was a sign that everything would be all right.  With a better attitude, I took the long walk back to where my car was parked and drove back to where I was staying, all refreshed and ready to take on another day.  Then I found out that the grad-student who told me that I failed, was just kidding.  I got mad and happy at the same time and the happiness won out.  In a way, I was glad that happened since the experience of waking up with nature and wildlife is still one special memory.  When I went to bed last night, I kept thinking about that experience.  Now you all have a great day you hear?  I plan to. 


  1. Murder would have put your career on hold, anyway.

  2. That was a really mean thing for that guy to do, but you are the one who came out ahead and a lot stronger. Thanks for sharing such an uplifting experience.

    1. I woke up this morning remembering that instance way back in my college days. Funny what the mind remembers and what it forgets.

  3. Great story and a valuable lesson.

  4. What a jerk!

    Glad in the end your happy outlook won out.

    1. It took a night in the woods to make my outlook happy.

  5. That was a cruel joke to play on you. But it sure turned out very positive with a very happy ending.. What a marvelous experience you had.

    1. I am glad he did it, otherwise I wouldn't have spent such great night and morning in the forest.

  6. I don't think I would've taken the joke quite that well. Glad it all worked out!

    1. Mother Nature has a way of soothing my temper and calming me down.

  7. What a great memory, I love being out in the forest it just has a way of wrapping its arms around you and letting you breath deeply

    1. Yes, it was a great memory. The forest can give you solitude, beauty, things to eat, places to sleep, and wildlife to observe. All you need to do is know what to look for.

  8. Isn't it amazing how good memories can come from such negative experiences? Thanks for sharing your memories.
