Monday, February 13, 2017

Vegetables and Telephones

My wife eats mostly vegetables.  She says that they are good for you. Me, I eat anything and everything.  The only two things I don't like are anise/licorice and coconut.  Everything else is fair game to me.

I would imagine that they had vegetarians in the past, too:

I guess back in the 16th century, eating no meat was not so much a choice but rather, that was all they could afford.  Yes, I am old but NO, I wasn't around back then.

Speaking of being old, I can remember old rotary dial phones and party lines.   For you young people out there, party lines were when some of your neighbors shared a line.  Each person had their own ring.  Those rings rang every phone on the party line and but your ring was unique.  This led to a lot of your "good" neighbors listening in on your conversation.  Everyone on the party line seemed to know each other's business.  Yep, that was back when the hand receivers had tails:

What was the first type of phone that you can remember.  Through my life, I have had all kinds of phones.  Some had cords, some were cordless but you couldn't get very far from the base or you would the signal would be lost, and now, cell phones.  My wife and I both have cell phones, we also have landlines and some have cords and some don't.  We also had a Verizon Hot Spot that we used when traveling in our RV.  That can be used to access the internet.  My son and his wife has those fancy new cell phones that also can get on the internet.  I guess we are behind times, but that is OK with me.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. As a retired telephone tech,I can remember all those phones and party lines that I installed on iron wires and glass insulators.

    1. And long distance operators, too. Yep, the good old days.

  2. The best I've heard was way down in Kentucky. They had a telephone operator who often joined in the conversations! You sure had to be careful what you talked about.

    I think the first phone I remember was the little black telephone. In the country though, I remember the box on the wall. I wouldn't mind going back to rotary dialing or a non-digital phone. I have a real problem hearing well over a cell phone line, and they seem to break up every now and then whereas the old telephones did not. I have a Jitterbug phone and can't do all the fancy stuff on it except connect with someone and talk! Isn't that what phones are for?

    1. I just have the old style flip phone with everything turned off except talk. If you want to do more than talk, get a tablet or computer.

  3. Yes, it is amazing how far technology has brought us. I remember as a teenager getting our first phone, a party line of 8. Our number was 24R. Oh, how I must have aggravated the other seven into possible insanity trying to use their phone. I was bad! A piggy. I'd even eavesdrop on others. Pitiful! Today my phone may be used 3 times in a full month, while I wonder what is so important that some cell users will knock you down in the aisles while chit, chit, chattering. "Oh, sorry", they mumble. LOL :)) Ah, how life has changed over the past 60 years.

    1. Things sure have changed. I would go back to my childhood days in a heart beat.

  4. The first phone I remember was the old black rotary phone. When we moved into the "burbs" back in 1953 we had a beige wall phone with the "tail" that was a party line. Now we still have a landline with cord and a cell phone that isn't used much and doesn't do much either. Haha

    1. Yep, I still have a phone that plugs into the wall. I like it. It doesn't charge me anything to receive a call from anywhere unless the person reverses the charges. With the cell phone, if you go over your allotted minutes, you get charged a lot more.

  5. I remember many years with out a phone, then rotary dials phone for years, a couple of cordless ones as well, Now the cell phones that work great . Still have a plug in phone but nowhere to plug in our Rv anymore.

    1. Come to think about it, I have no place to in my RV to plug a phone in. I just turned 74 today and I don't ever remember a time when we didn't have a phone, although the first one was a party line.

  6. I worked part time for Southern Bell & Tel while in high school as a long distance operator. It was the old fashioned switchboard. Guess the old black rotary phones and I are antiques.

    1. I doubt if you are, but the rotary phones are, but they may come back as the new fad.
