Saturday, February 11, 2017

Thinking What to Post.

When I am laying in bed at night waiting for sleep to take over my body, I think up some really, really good subjects to post on my blog.  Yep, they are fantastic ideas,  but there is problem.  When I wake in the morning, I can't remember a dang thing I was planning to write.

Some day when you read my blog and think to yourself, "self, now that was a great blog posting that Dizzy published", that will be the day that I remember one of my really, really great ideas.  But if I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath.

It is hard to believe, but here it is the first part of February and the temperatures here have been extremely high for this time of year.  Right now it is 84 and overcast.  Just think how hot it would be if the sun were shining!!  Don't get me wrong, I sure ain't complaining, I am just worried about the coming summer.  I have heard on the TV weather that we are not the only ones that are having warmer than normal temperatures.    Oh well, Mother Nature will do what she wants to do and never, ever asks me for my opinion.  Now, you all stay cool or warm, whichever you prefer, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I do the exact same thing - think of great blog subjects when I'm trying to go to sleep! I never remember them until the next night when I'm slipping off to dreamland.

    1. Yep, I guess great minds like yours and mine have their idiosyncrasies.

  2. I am going to north Alabama for the summer and camp under the great big shade trees on Wheeler Lake. It is less hot over there.

    1. Yep, that would be a lot cooler and with a lot less humidity than here on the Texas coast. Good choice.

  3. My blogs depend on what photos I've taken... or... these days, if I can get on the internet. We'll be in Maine this summer... I'll be colder there than I am here. No shorts and sandals there!

    1. When I was a small boy, my parents and I spent a few weeks vacation in a boat access only cabin on a pristine lake in Maine. That was a wonderful vacation and the water in that lake was so pure we used it as drinking water. I wonder if it is still as pure.

  4. I sure am not complaining about our weather lately. Sun shine would be welcome, however.

    1. In Texas you don't have to wait long for a change in weather (except in the middle of the summer), but where I grew up in Pennsylvania, we would go months at a time without seeing the sun.

  5. Yep, sure know about them there great ideas coming and going. Sometimes they seem to go before they even come. When it comes to weather I like warm and cool not hot and cold. Hoping for an early Spring back home in Bayfield Ontario and with the way weather patterns are going it just might happen.

    1. Some of those ideas we wish we could remember, right? Warm and Cool, that is why you live Ontario instead of along the Gulf coast.

  6. 91 yesterday in North TX.
    Keep a note pad by your bed for those brilliant subjects.

    1. If I did that, then I would have to turn the light on which would disturb others, especially the dogs.

  7. I am enjoying the warm temperatures and the sunny days.

  8. Enjoying the above normal temps here in WI also. You are right about wondering what this summer could be like. Yikes!!

    1. Well, I don't think it will snow here any time soon.
