Monday, February 6, 2017

Some Things You May Not Know.

There are a lot of things that some of us know and a few things that all of us know.  Since we all don't know everything, we can learn from each other.  We can learn from our successes and from our failures and mistakes.  My Dad always told me "Son, wise is he who learns from his own mistakes but doubly wise is he who learns from others' mistakes".  I don't know if he read or heard that somewhere or came up with it him self, but it always stuck with me.

Now, here are a few things that you may or may not know.  Let us know which ones you knew and which ones you didn't know:

"Bananas are radio active."
Yep, they are. . . but, to cause you harm you would have to eat 274 bananas a day for seven years and to kill you, you would have to eat 10,000,000 bananas all at once.  Bet you can't do that. . .

"The stuff you smell enters your body"
In order for you to smell something, small particles of the substance has to enter your nose.  Think about that the next time you pass by a dead and rotting animal run over on the highway or when you enter that public bathroom. . .

"a gamma ray burst could kill us all"
Yes it could, if it occurred in our galaxy and the beams of energy were directed toward us.  That would be a very rare occurrence, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

"cockroaches can live 9 days without their heads."
I never knew much about cockroaches until I moved to the south.  Of course the big ones are called water bugs.  They are hard to kill and the only reason they die after getting their heads whacked off is because they can't eat and they starve to death.

"You held a world record if only for a split second."
Every one of has held a world record at one time or another, but we all have held one at that exact second you were born.  Then you would have been the youngest person in the world.  But, with huge population in the world today, you may have to share that record.

I think that is enough for one posting.  Now, I want you all to break a world record for having the best day possible, you hear?


  1. Where in the world do you find these tidbits? I love bananas and am glad to know I don't eat enough of them to become radioactive!

    1. I think if you ate the ten million bananas, you would have a lot more problems than radioactivity.

    2. You're right, and i don't think I could eat ten in one day! Two, maybe.

  2. Interesting! Although I know that the one about smells entering your body is going to stick with me...

  3. I love bananas and thankfully will never come close to those records:)

    1. I like them, too, but only if they are on the green side, you know, not too ripe.

  4. I love bananas but don't think I have eaten enough to make me "glow". Here's a good one for you. I once put a cockroach in freezer at -5 for two weeks. When we thawed it out it came back to life. They don't die. Have a great day.

    1. I saw where they exposed cockroaches to high doses of radiation and it didn't seem to have any effect on them. So after a nuclear war, there will still be cockroaches.

  5. Just learned 5 new things. Thank You Dizzy-Dick

    1. I learn a lot when I am searching for info for my blog.

  6. My Dad always told me "Son, wise is he who learns from his own mistakes but doubly wise is he who learns from others' mistakes".

    This is so true!

    1. I have found throughout my life that it sure is true.

  7. I had not heard any of them but the cockroach one I do not think I will forget :-(
