Saturday, February 4, 2017

Faces in Space.

Some people say that we are alone in the universe while others say that the possibility of life some where out there is quite high.  Well, I am here to tell you that there are life forms out there.  Don't believe me??  I bet you want some proof, right?  Will photos do?

This first picture is of a couple of ghostly space people lurking behind that huge cloud of gas.  can you spot them on the upper left?  They seem to be waving at you:

Still not convinced?  Well how about a huge smiling happy face:

Space is must be a very happy place to be, because it seems that all the faces up there are smiling:

Except maybe this guy.  He seems to have a sinister look about him.  You know, I see two faces on that asteroid.  I see another one just to the left and slightly above the bottom of the V-notch.  In fact, I think the one I see is better than the one they point out in the picture: 

And of course the famous picture of the face on the surface of Mars:

That just goes to show you that we ain't alone. . . (grin).  Now smile because someone or something out there may be watching us and we want leave a good impression.  Have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Rob. I have a habit of seeing faces in all kinds of things.

  2. I wonder if there will be proof positive in our lifetimes. Of course, many of us know there are people/faces/beings out there, but not enough to convince everyone.

    1. In a universe as large as this one, there should be more than one populated planet.

  3. I fully believe there are many occupied regions in this universe It's ignorant to think otherwise. Now, how many universes are out there, do you think? 'Infinite' is a very big word.

    1. There very well could be an infinite number of other universes out there, or maybe God threw up his hands and said "no more of them, one may be too many".

  4. I've always thought that we had neighbors out there somewhere. When they come to visit, I wonder how we will treat them?

    1. The way we Earthlings are acting lately, the aliens will not get a good greeting.

  5. I have always felt that there is life elsewhere in this vast Universe. HermitJim brings up a very interesting question about how they would be received. I agree with you that I don't think we would shake their hand and welcome them. More like we would scream and shout "kill".

    1. With so many billions of star systems out there, I would have to believe that some of them have fostered life.
