Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Update On Our Pup.

Our male pup came through the surgery just fine and now the long healing phase begins.  He is doing fine but the Vet said not to let him jump up on anything or go up stairs.  The pain medication he is taking seems to relax him so that he sleeps a lot and doesn't over do it.  Like I said yesterday, it didn't seem to affect his appetite.

We didn't want to let him on the bed last night in fear that he might jump off and hurt himself, so I stayed up all night holding him while rocking in my rocker/recliner and watching TV.  He would whimper off and on, but I comforted him as best as I could.  My wife stayed up the night before with our oldest female and I couldn't ask her to do that again two nights in a row.    Needless to say, I took a nap this afternoon.  I feel pretty good now and just waiting on supper to be ready.  You see, nothing seems to destroy my appetite.

I am not going to bother him right now, but maybe before I post again, I will get a picture of him with his big blue collar, to show you all.  He actually looks pretty good in blue.  Now, have a great evening, you hear?


  1. Now THAT is loving your pet! Yer a good man, Dizzy!

  2. Things are sounding pretty good. Why not put a blanket and pillow down on the floor and sleep there with the dog? He'd probably love it, you could sleep, and he wouldn't fall off. That's what I'd do, I think. Does he sleep with the collar on? :)

    1. I could do that but our pups are spoiled and prefer stuffed easy chairs or couches or beds (grin).

  3. I'm happy to hear he is doing well and yes you are the greatest puppy dad.

    1. Thanks JO, yes he is doing much better and wants to do and does things he isn't supposed to do yet. We don't want him to pop his stiches and staples. Yes, he has both.

  4. Poor "baby" I hope he is feeling better soon. You go right ahead and give him all the TLC he needs. You and your wife are great "parents".

  5. Glad he is doing better and with all the TLC you and your wife give him, I am sure he will be back to his old self in no time.

    1. The hard part now is keeping him from over doing it.

  6. I remember staying up most of the night with a sick child, but I don't think I ever went that far with a dog. I hope he knows how lucky he is!

    1. Call me crazy, but like I said before, our pups are like our children. They are a huge part of our lives. Trouble is, they are all getting old.
