Monday, January 30, 2017

Surgery Day for Pup

Had to get up way too early today.  Why, you may ask.  Our male Shih Tzu pup needed surgery and had to be at the Veterinarian's when they opened this morning.  We sure are hoping that what they remove will not be cancerous but just swollen from some other cause.  Either way, we are now waiting for the Vet's phone call to let us know the outcome and hopefully will be able to pick him up this afternoon.  The other two pups were looking for him, but it is now feeding time for them, so they put him back a notch in their minds.  Food is more important.

I don't have anything else this morning.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Sure hope the Pup will be okay soon....

  2. I'm sending him good vibes - be sure to update us when you hear from the vet.

    1. The Vet just called to say that he came through the surgery OK, but will have to wear a "cone" for quite awhile.

  3. You may think me odd, but I just prayed for your little dog.

    1. 'odd'? No. Kind? Yes. Very.

    2. Thank you Gorges. They are like our children and we love them. All three are getting up in years, but so am I.

  4. So happy to hear the pup will be okay. Those cones are a real pain, but before you know it, he will be fine and back to normal. You must be so relieved! :)

    1. Sure am. Just hope it hasn't spread anywhere else in his body.

  5. I am so glad to hear all is well with your pup, I mean baby haha. If he only has to wear a cone then he will be fine in no time.

    1. The cone is so that he will not chew at his stitches.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Jenn, hoping he will be back to normal soon. It sure didn't hurt his appetite.
