Saturday, January 28, 2017

Small and BIG Birds and Other Creatures..

At one time this morning, I counted over 30 birds out on my bird feeder and on the ground where I throw bird feed.  Then the squirrels moved in and then a couple of large crows came by.  The squirrels tried to run off the crows but the crows, which were quite a bit bigger than the squirrels, ran the squirrels off instead.  Yes, I know I have posted about the bird feeder before.  In case you missed it, here is a link to that other posting:

Taking pictures through a window that has a screen on it, does not give a very clear shot.  The first two below are fuzzy because of the screen but the third one is a lot better because I put the camera up close to the window:

The last picture above shows just four of the squirrels and only one of the crows, but it is the clearest picture that I have.  Forgive my poor photography.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'd love to see anything driving off the squirrels. They are relentless. I used to feed mourning doves some kind of seed only they would eat. I would spread it on the ground and every other bird & squirrel would leave it alone.

    1. I chase the squirrels but they don't ever seem to lean.

  2. I used to feed the birds, but it got too expensive for my limited budget. I really enjoyed it though.

    1. I know!! I go to Tractor Supply and get a 50 pound bag of bird seed and it only lasts for about a week. Don't ever try to give me a complement by saying I eat like a bird. . . well, actually, I do really like to eat. . .

  3. You have the best of both world's Dizzy. You live close to a big city and yet you also live as though you were in a far away forest.

    Nothing like being able to enjoy nature right out of your back door.

    1. Yes, I really love my place. It is like my own little twelve acre island. If the fellow to the west of me dies, his kids will divide up his 40 acre field in front of my place and probably build homes on it. But for now, I will continue to enjoy my island. . .
