Thursday, January 26, 2017

Engineer vs Programmer.

I worked as a design engineer for most of my working career, so I got to work with a lot of programmers and actually did some programming myself.  So, when I saw this joke at "", I just had to share it with you.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Here is a link to joke about an engineer and a programmer:

Just click on the above link and read the joke.  If any of you are or have been either an engineer or a programmer, let me know what you thought of that joke.  Actually, you don't have to be either to get a laugh out of it, so any of you, please feel free to comment.  Now have a great day, you hear?


  1. Truth is, I had to read the joke a couple of times... but then I'm neither an engineer nor a programmer... and got to thinking about fellow passengers on flights I've been on.... Mostly I was just glad to finally get to read a few of my favorite blogs before this d....ed system shuts me down again. If I want to get up at 3am and get on-line then I might be able to keep up with my friends.... so Dizzy, I'm happy to ready anything anyone posts these days. Say... do you miss that life in the "professional" world? (neither do I :-)

    1. No, I don't miss it at all. I like my recliner/rocker and have put a lot of miles on it since I quit working. I quit in shortly after I turned 70 when my cell rang when I was driving my RV on a trip and it was an old client. I just told him I was retired, period!!

  2. The joke seems to prove that engineers are way smarter than programmers! (Sorry to any programmers out there.)

    1. I did engineering but also wrote programs, especially for PLCs.

  3. I am neither a programmer or an engineer but I still found the joke hilarious. Good laugh for today, thanks. Have a great weekend.

    1. Why I believe you may be a home maker engineer.

  4. While I am neither, I found it funny and a smart way of getting some rest while the programmer researched for an answer :)
