Friday, December 16, 2016

Ups and Downs.

Everyone has ups and downs but the temperature around here has more ups and downs than Carter has Little Liver Pills.  How many of you remember those pills or the saying.  Those pills were supposed to cure almost everything.  Those pills could be a subject for another blog posting some time in the future, or not.

The temperature is suppose to drop from a high around 80 on Saturday down to near freezing on Sunday morning.  That is about a 50 degree drop.  We do things in a big way here in Texas, even with the weather.

Got some maintenance problems to take care of.  Why does it always seem that what ever needs fixed is in an almost impossible place to get to without doing a lot of damage to everything else?  I guess the best way to tackle this job is a little at a time.  I tried to get to it today and now I feel like I have been pounded on by ten angry gorillas.  Boy does my rocker/recliner feel good today.  Now, try to outrun all those gorillas and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yes I remember that Carter's Liver Pills saying and I still do use it occasionally. Being pounded on by 10 angry Gorillas and 15 really cheezed off Dinosaurs is never a good thing even on a sunny warm day and yes recliners are good. Really, really, really good:))

    1. Glad I wasn't also beset by 15 Dinosaurs. The Gorillas were enough to put me down.

  2. I'm sure we all heard the pitch for Carter's Little Liver Pills on radio. I was trying to remember some of the other patent medicines they advertised "back then", but my memory fails me.

    I need a recliner - had to get rid of the old one because it was just too big for this room. I miss it, and the rocking makes it even better.

    1. I don't recline on mine, just rock. Sometimes I put the back of it back to a slight angle.

  3. Another subzero day here. Had to use a hair dryer to thaw out my waterline to the washing machine.

    I don't remember Carter's Liver Pills, but I remember people talking about them. Does that count? :)

    1. I remember many years ago coming to visit my parents for Christmas and the waterline freezing when we had relatives visiting.

      I have no idea how I ever thought of using a hair dryer to thaw it out but somehow I managed. Thanks for the memory :)

    2. Yes, Sixbears, that counts.

      MsB, here where we live, people are not used to freezing temperatures. My well and pressure tank sit outside on a cement slab. If it is going to get below freezing for awhile, I throw a tarp over it and put a trouble light under the tarp.

  4. I can't say that I ever heard of Carter's Liver Pills but it brought back old westerns show memories. There was always some shady figure trying to peddle a cure all tonic to the masses.

    Bundle up and get ready for the artic blast.

  5. Trying to fix things that are hard to get at is very annoying. Good thing for these comfortable recliners, love them. I do remember Carters Little Liver pills and the saying too.

    1. I may need some of those pills after I go back and try to finish that job.

  6. yep, i remember.
    We always had Xmas dinner at parents house, and one year, her water pipes to the kitchen were frozen and busted. Had it anyway, brought in water, heated it on stove. Only way she would have it.
    Anybody heard anything from BB?

    1. Where there is a will there is a way and they found a way to have Christmas.

      No, I have not heard anything from BB. Don't like his silence. . .

    2. way too long not to see a comment or something somewhere

  7. We seem to be having the same weather pattern as you, pretty darn cold here last night and still this morning. But the temps are rising for today so we shall see.

    1. We have will have a freeze tonight. We covered all the plants and well/pressure tank.

  8. I do remember Carter's LLPs... and Geritol and Hadacol and if I wracked my brain I might remember others. I think my Grandma took them all (Hadacol was 12% alcohol... I think that was her favorite).

    1. The higher the alcohol the better it worked. . .

  9. I remember Carter's Little Liver Pills and I still use that saying myself. We have had over 12 inches of snow since Friday and I've had to shovel over six times.. Now we are having below zero temps with -25 wind chills. My heating pad and rocker are being used a lot more than usual. Good luck with the repairs.

    1. Since I moved to Texas from PA, I have gotten spoiled and now think that that anything below 65 degrees is cold.

  10. Brrr, Linda! Yes, Dizzy, we really had the temperature drop, didn't we? About 10 degrees per hour for about 3 hours straight - now that's a lot for southeast Texas! Bright and sunny today, but colder than a well-digger's back pocket out there. Keep on rocking!

    1. I guess Mother Nature has to show even us that she is in control and can still make us shiver even here in southeast Texas.
