Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Some Things Confuse Me

Coming back from town today, I got behind a big Dodge dually.  It was a four wheel drive and mighty impressive.  My daughter-in-law has one, also, but not quite like this one.

Anyway, let me get to the point that confuses me.  As you can plainly see on the right rear of the tailgate, it says "4X4".  OK, to me that means it should have drive power to four of its wheels.  But this truck has six wheels and I bet all of them are driven by the power train.  Therefore, shouldn't it be called a "6X6"?

I believe everything should  be labeled honestly.  Now, maybe this truck was labeled correctly because I couldn't see if the front wheels had a driveshaft connected to it.  Maybe the rear four wheels were the only ones that had power to them. . . but I doubt that.  I am sorry I get confused so easily and I hope my confusion didn't upset your day, but I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, 2 in front and 4 in the rear, but all six wheels are drive wheels.

  2. This probably won't surprise you, but the way I think, if that truck starts when you turn the switch on and if I put gas in it occasionally and have the oil changed now and then, it's just fine! I know... you're just shaking your head... but hey, 4x4, 2x4... whatever ;-)

    1. Yes, I like it when you turn the key and it starts. It is just extra to know that you have 4-wheel drive if you need it. Anyway, the 4-wheel drive with the transfer case that you can put in neutral is for towing behind my RV.

  3. Now you have me wondering. I think tomorrow I'll try to find the paperwork I still have on my Ford F-350 with duallies. I don't remember it saying 4x4 anywhere on the truck, but I never came to a spot that I couldn't get through. That truck was powerful!

    1. 4x4 is suppose to mean four wheel drive where the front and rear tires are turned by the motor. It is when you have dually that it becomes questionable... I guess.

  4. You aren't the only one confused by this. Merry Christmas Dizzy

    1. Thank you linda m. We are not going to do Christmas this year, but hope you have a very merry Christmas.

  5. Dang! Now I'm confused!! (but that's normal in my case...)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My fingers got mixed up when I was typing, so will try it again. I don't believe that confusion is your norm. You seem very sensible to me.
