Thursday, November 10, 2016

Got a Few Questions.

Just started wondering about a few things.

1.      What is the opposite of right?
What is the first thing that pops into your head?  Did you think the answer was "wrong" or did you think the answer was "left", or did you think of something different?  There is no wrong answers in this test.  Don't look at my answers until you have come up with your own answers.
2.       Is the speed of light always constant?

No.  The speed that light travels depends on the medium that it is traveling through.  For example, the speed of light in water is only about three quarters of what it is in a vacuum.

3.      How high is the sky?

Well now the answer to this question depends on what you call the sky, and yes, there are different definitions of the sky.  Most life doesn't exist above about three miles although the sky extends to around 250 miles above the Earth depending on location.  The distance is a little less at the poles and a little greater at the equator.  OK, I still don't know how high the sky is.  Seems I remember a song which asked that question.

4.      Has a blind person ever fallen in love at first sight?

Maybe at first touch or when first heard or at first smell, but not at first sight.  If there are any blind couples reading this, please answer (grin, grin, grin).

5.      A broker makes investments for other people.  If you are broke and your friend is broker than you are, does that mean that your friend is the one who should invest your money, since he is a broker.

It would worry me a bit to have all my money put in the hands of someone who is broker than. . . whatever.

6.      There was an airplane crash and every single person on board died, but somehow two people survived.  How was this possible?

The two who survived were not single, they were a married couple.
7.       Does anyone know, in Denmark, what the word Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel means?

It is a Condom.  After the time it would take you to figure out how to pronounce that word, you both would be out of the mood. . .
OK, that is enough of that for awhile.  Don't forget to let us know how many of them you got right.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I don't think I got any of them right. You picked some humdingers this time!

    1. Some were sort of "tongue in cheek". I got a kick out of them and tried to comment after each one as to what I though of them.

  2. OK DD here are the answers. Yes, maybe, sometimes, no,47 and a goat. It is your job to figure out the questions. Have fun.

    1. You only answered six of them and there are seven questions. . . Good answer Barney.

  3. Replies
    1. #1 - even though there is no right answer and I guess I only got one right :D

  4. Replies
    1. That would take up too much space here in the comment area. . .

  5. It's not even 7am here and you're making me think... my "broker" is sitting across the table from me... does that make me the "brokee"? Heck... I'm going to have a cup of coffee now....

    1. You could become the brokee or just plain broke if he doesn't do a good job. But I am sure he does a great job.

  6. It is too early for me tho have to think, so I cheated and read the answer first then thought about the question. Hahaha

  7. Me too, Linda. I did get some right... Oh, this old Timer's disease... bugs me too often. Dizzy, a fine post, loved it. So, about this sky business, means an end/ceiling somewhere out there. My wonder is what lies beyond that ceiling. "Golly gee, I shuda learned studied astronomyany". hahaha

    1. Next time you are in my neighborhood, stop by and I will get my huge telescope out and you can look for yourself. It is fascinating!!!

  8. I missed #2 and after reading your answer I now feel dumber as well as broker.

    1. It seems to me that the words "dumber" and "broker" go well together. . .
