Saturday, October 22, 2016

Nice Weather

Not up to much.  Just enjoying this beautiful weather we have been having.  It has been unseasonably cool here.  This morning, it actually got down into the upper 40's but then warmed up to 77 degrees.  Once that sun gets up a ways, it warms up real fast.  Tomorrow is supposed to be similar to today.  Then it is to get back up in the high 80's or so.

I don't have much to say today, but I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. It's raining hard enough and long enough to make a serious dent in our drought conditions.

    -enjoy your sunshine!

  2. And I hope you and Mrs. Diz have a good day.

  3. I am so glad it has cooled down in Houston, it has as well here at Mom's.

    I like Monday's because I get the weather highs and lows for the prior week from Reliant Energy.

  4. Our day started out cloudy, but we, too, had a beautiful day.

  5. Awoke with good frost and 3/8" thick ice on all watering pans. There went my house plants! It was a surprise. What a wonderful Fall season we've had this year.

    1. I miss the beautiful Fall colors back when I lived in Pennsylvania. Around here only one tree turns color at a time if they even turn colors.

  6. Yep, I do enjoy this Fall weather...while it last, anyway!

    1. Yep, it just doesn't stick around long enough.
