Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Did You Miss Me?

It has been four days since I last posted and normally, I post a blog every day.  So, did you miss me?  Nope, I bet you never noticed.  If you did miss me, why?  I have a lot why's for you today:

1.   Why is the United States nicknamed Uncle Sam?

2.   Why do identical twins have different fingerprints?

3.   Why do fingers and toes wrinkle when left in water?

4.   Do plants die of old age?

5.   Atoms form everything around us, but only account for 5 percent of our universe.  What two things make up most of the rest?

And last but not least:

6.   Why don't cannibals eat clowns?

And of course, I can't let you guessing if you knew the right answers, so here are the answers:

1.   Back during the war of 1812, a meat packer named Samuel Wilson, who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army.  These barrels were stamped U.S. for the United States, but the soldiers referred to the U.S. as Uncle Sam and I guess it stuck.

2.   Fingerprints are formed semi-randomly as the fetus develops in the womb.  Even though they have the same DNA, not all appearance is totally controlled by it.

3.   Places like your hands and feet get the natural waterproof coating rubbed off over time and thus the skin absorbs water and swells.  Because it is anchored below, it is forced to corrugate to take up the extra skin, thus the wrinkles.

4.   Yes and no.  Some do and some, under the right conditions, can live for ever.

5.   Dark matter and dark energy.

6.   Because clowns taste funny.

Now, you all have a great day and after reading this blog posting, you may want me to wait more than four days to post another (grin).  Now, you all have a great day and keep on a smiling, you hear?


  1. Of course I missed you and your blog. Glad you are back with a bunch of questions for which I did not know any answers!

    1. It would be no fun if I put real easy questions on a posting, you (and I) wouldn't learn anything that way.

  2. Glad youre one of the few that keep on keeping on.Always enjoy.

    1. I try. I do enjoy trying to come up with something either new or funny or both.

  3. You mean it took four days to research all those whys? I really like the one about the clown, got to use that on a friend of mine who just graduated clown college. Hope she has a sense of humor.

    1. I would think if she went to clown college, she would have to have a sense of humor.

  4. It's been a few days since I've been on Blogger so I'm behind before I ever got started. I always thought identical twins had the same fingerprints only reversed... shows what I (don't) know. Since I've never heard of dark energy or dark matter, I was sure to miss that one. Yeah... clowns must certainly taste funny ;-)

    1. If they have different fingerprints, then they can't be identical (grin). I am into space and science, so have known about that dark stuff for a long, long time.

  5. Welcome back. I am glad to see you returned in good shape. Round is a good shape isn't it?

    1. Yes, round is a great shape. As much as I love to eat, I ought to as wide as I am tall but I ain't and don't know why.

  6. Replies
    1. I would have never guessed that I would have been missed. But of course, at my age, you all probably though I just croaked.

  7. Missed you! The clown joke was great.

    1. Glad you liked the clown joke and it is nice to be missed.

  8. We DID miss you, but knew we would have heard if there were bad news. Glad to hear that is not the case. As Trouble says, you, Sixbears, and Bubba Hermit are the ones I most depend on to always be there, so I'm watching and reading ...

    1. Not sure if anyone would think to post my passing. My wife isn't a blogger.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks for the conformation. I have never tasted one. (grin)

  10. I took a couple of days off from the internet so I had not noticed. I enjoyed the fun tid bits and I learned something new :)
