Saturday, September 10, 2016

Cute, cute, cute, etc., etc., etc.

I think that we wore out the word "cute" today and also the word "precious".  Why?  Because our grandson brought our great grandson to my place for a his first visit.  Yes, I am a great grandpa now and my great grand son is just so cute.  OK, don't believe me?  Well just take a look at the following pictures.  This first one is of my great grandson in his plaid shirt, jeans, and brown shoes:

This next one is of my grandson putting shoes on my great grandson.  He wasn't too happy about that:

Mommy and Daddy and baby makes three, are getting ready to leave:

 My grandson is the son of my boy that got killed in a highway accident.  Too bad he didn't get to see his son's son.  My grandson is carrying on a family tradition.  My grandpa's first born was a boy, my Dad's first born was me, my first born was boy, and my grandson's first born is a boy.  And, did I say he is cute?  This was the first time that I got to see him in person.

Now, ain't he cute?

Lane made our day.  I would like you all to have a great day, too, you hear?


  1. Oh yes! You have every reason to be bursting your shirt buttons telling the world about this little guy! He is, indeed, so cute.... and I'm so happy that you have now met him. I hope y'all have a wonderful, long-lasting relationship with him... that he has a wonderful life, and that you are able to stay connected... and I just know you'll see things about him that will bring back your own son. I know... our kids are ours only temporarily, but their heritage lives on... and they are always with us.

    1. The kid is perfect. Doesn't even have a pimple or blemish of any kind and he ain't old enough for the scars of life.

  2. Just in case you did not notice, he is very cute.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. Maybe I should go back and look at the pictures again. . and again. . and again.

  3. What an absolute darling! I know you all are proud as punch, and I would be too!

    1. Pictures don't do him justice. Yes, I am proud as punch.

  4. Replies
    1. Cuter than I am, for sure. I am the old guy in the last picture.

  5. That is one good looking fella, for sure!

  6. Yes he is cute, cute, cute. And yes I mean your great grandson.

  7. Congratulations Dizzy, what a cutie pie :)

  8. They grow too fast; enjoy every second you have with the little darling. My ggson, Lane (also) is near six. I've only seen him four times - heartbreaking.

    1. Yes, I sure will. Four times in six years is not very often. Hope you can get to see him more often.
