Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Wondering, How did they do that?

Sometimes I come across some old pictures on the internet that make me ask, "How did they do that?" or even, "Why?".  For example, this next picture taken back in 1924:
"Witness the tower of booze. Unfortunately, this picture was taken in 1924, near the beginning of Prohibition. What followed could only be described as a crime against (drunk) humanity. The entire stash was set ablaze to rid the world of this alcoholic scourge."


This next picture is of Albert Einstein's desk the way he left it on his last day on earth.  He passed away that night.

He had to be a genius to remember where everything was. . . I have heard people say that a neat desk is the sign of sick mind, so the opposite must be true and if it is, he had a very, very healthy mind.  Of course, now we know that he did, for sure.

Now, you all have great day, you hear?


  1. Prohibition was probably one of the worst and dumbest ever attempts in our history, unless it's the current attitudes towards marijuana. NOTE: I don't and never have used marijuana, but I smoked legal cigarettes which were no doubt far more addicting and worse for my health!

    1. The government is quick to crack down on things that they are not collecting tax on.

  2. Telling people they can't have something only makes them want it more and then cause a rise in criminal activity. If the cleanliness of ones desk is a sign of their mind then I must be a genius as my desk is a mess. Have a great day.

    1. I don't want something until the doctor or my wife tells me I can't have any.

  3. My mother told me about my Grandma making beer in her house during the prohibition... and the Feds coming to the door to sort of raid the place. What a waste! Of money, men, time and all..... we should have learned something from that....

    1. Neither sets of my grandparents drank and neither did my parents. So I was taught it was bad. That just means that when I went off to college, I had to try it myself. I liked it. I quit drinking twenty some years ago. That put a few distilleries out of business.

  4. I must be a genius then because my desk and my room are a mess :D

    1. Yep, you sure must be. Of course anyone who comments on my blog postings, I consider a genius.

  5. People with "high morals" always think their ideas should be followed by everyone - or else. Einstein's last day....everyone knows when your "last day" was, except for the poor schmuck who died.

    1. Some realize that they are dying and therefore, knows it is their last day.

  6. My desk doesn't look quite as bad, but it's close!

    1. I built me a desk that was eight feet long. It still got so messy I had to find another place to work. Now, I do all my work from my rocking chair.
