Monday, August 15, 2016

Our Great Grandson, etc.

My grandson and his wife posted a picture of our week old great grandson, Lane, on Facebook.  I copied the picture and pasted it in today's blog posting.  Ain't he cute??!!!  All dressed up in his Texas clothes.  And with such a happy face.  He will have to grow a little to fit into that cowboy hat, but the clothes fit just fine.  Did I mention just how cute he is?

Did I mention just how cute he is?  I just can't get over how cute he is.  Yes, I think I did mention that a time or two.

He will grow into quite a man someday.  Speaking of men, I found this (Things You'll Never Hear A Man Say...) on the internet, too.

I hope my great grandson's picture put a smile on your face and the above list helped you keep it there.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. He is so cute! I just love his expressive little face.

  2. I just can't stop saying how cute he is. Thanks for the kind comment.

  3. Great looking kid there DD. He is even cute in case you had not noticed.

    1. Thanks for telling me that, Barney. Now that you mentioned it, he is cute.

  4. He is so adorable. Love his outfit.

  5. Your new great grandson is absolutely adorable. Love the outfit and the smile. Congratulations!

    1. I am a little prejudice, so I have to agree with you.

  6. Not just cute, also precious. Eyes closed and that expression, methinks he's having a very happy dream. My one great grandson, who will be 6 come October is also named Lane...Michael Lane. It's a really good life when we can have even ggchildren to love, don't you think?

    1. Yes, I never thought that I would live this long. Now, I can't wait to see him in person.

  7. Replies
    1. No, I don't think so. . . so I will just say, Wow, is he cute!!!

  8. Congratulations Dizzy and Dusty!

    Your great grandson is adorable. Love how he looks with his Texan hat :)

    1. His dad was born in Texas and now he was born in Texas. I guess that makes him a second generation Texan. I was born elsewhere. I was a Texan all my life but it took me a little while to get here. When I worked in the engineering department at Pullman in Pennsylvania, I wore cowboy boots and cowboy hats.
