Friday, August 26, 2016

Little Mushrooms.

I have posted many pictures of wild mushrooms and fungi on my blog.  I just never get tired of seeing them and taking pictures of them.  Today was no exception.

I carried a bag of trash out to the front lot where the dumpster is located and I noticed a bunch of little mushrooms blooming along the driveway.  Yes, the main mushroom plant is the mycelium that spreads out under ground and the part we see as a mushroom is just the fruiting body of the plant.  So, what we see could be called the bloom, even though few people call it that.

OK, here are the photos that I took this evening:

And also, some fungus growing out of some old wood: 

In a couple of the above pictures, I put a penny in among the small mushrooms to give you some idea of their size.  Now, keep looking for the great sights that Mother Nature wants to show you and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Dizzy in reference to Whispering Smith what you might not remember is his side kick (Guy Mitchel he sing My Truly Truly Fair)

    1. He has sung on the Whispering Smith show and sounded really good.

  2. If that's a penny then many of those 'shrooms are really tiny. When I lived in North Carolina I nevr tired of photographing mushrooms growing in the woods where I walked the dog. I once saw a gorgeous orange speciman that was as large as a big pumpkin but I didn't have my camera with me. I thought I would photograph it the next morning, but by then it was gone! Some of them don't last very long.

    1. Yes, they were really tiny and that is a penny, 'cause I couldn't afford a dime. . . And yes, they don't last long. Just long enough to spread their spores into the air for future generations of fungi.

  3. Those are some really small mushrooms. I have been getting a lot of the ones that are "cone" shaped. These mushrooms grow mostly around my red maple tree.

    1. Different mushrooms prefer to grow near certain trees. Maybe it is a symbiosis relationship.
