Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Strange Cave.

There is a mine in Chihuahua, Mexico, where lead, zinc, and silver are mined.  While digging in this mine, a cave was discovered that held some mighty strange crystals.  In fact, this mine (Naica Mine), is best known, not for its lead, zinc, and silver, but for its extraordinary selenite crystals.  These are not small crystals, but very huge, impressive ones.  They can be as large as 3 to 4 feet in diameter and 45 or so feet long.  Don't believe me?  I got some pictures.

Now, that is what I call huge crystals.  I wonder how many eons it took them to form?  I have heard of them before and they are really awesome.  What do you think?  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I just hope they don't try to mine all of them. Everything we take out of the earth seems to have an effect, which is why I think we are having an unprecented number of earthquakes. Just my opinion.

    1. Yes, there have been incidences of land subsidence after a lot of oil removal.

  2. We are getting so many earthquakes because all huge and growing number of people is overloading the crust of the earth.

    1. Maybe we should all go on a diet. Would that help?

  3. I remember watching a program on TV about the "crystal cave". What a fascinating place. I also remember them saying that is was very hot down there and explorers could only stay there for a very short time. What a beautiful place. thanks for sharing.

    1. The ground is only cool just under the surface and from then on down it gets progressively warmer. The core of the Earth is molten.

  4. WOW could you imagine hanging one of those in your window? But really once people find these caves they are bound to be destroyed

    1. People have a tendency to do just that, but maybe this cave is so hot and miserable that they will leave it alone. It is not a good candidate for tourism.
