Sunday, May 22, 2016

You Think You Know Someone.

You think that you know someone, but then you find out that you only knew part of who he was.  My neighbor, who's property butts up against mine, passed away.  Yesterday, I went to the viewing (at 09:00 am) and funeral service (at 10:00 am).  After talking to his relatives and listening to the story of his life, I realized that I really didn't know the man.

Yes, I knew that he was an over the road truck driver, then he purchased his own rig and became an owner operator, and after he decided to give up driving, he drove a chase car for large and extra wide loads.  You have seen them, they have the sign on the roof with yellow flashing lights that tell you there is an over sized load coming behind them or going in front of them.  What I didn't know was that he was a guitar picker and singer, and what I heard about him yesterday, he was very good at both.

Dang!!  How many times have I been sitting here at home picking my guitar and even singing once in awhile, and thinking how great it would be if I had someone to pick and grin with.  I never knew that he played and sang, now it is too late.  What a missed opportunity for me.  Now I feel doubly sad; sad that he is gone and sad of not knowing that we had something in common that we could have shared and enjoyed.  So never put off doing something that would please yourself and someone else at the same time.  Too late comes way too fast.  Now have a great day, you hear?


  1. Don't feel bad, Diz... that happens through no fault of our own. While I'm basically a rather shy person (yes, I really am)... I've found that our RV life is so different. It's the kind of life where you or I would have gone over to the neighbors, probably carrying our guitar... saying "howdy"... but that's not something I could or would do in my "regular" life. Good or bad? Neither... it's just the way it is... you can't live on regrets... maybe something in the future will give you a whole band to jam with ;-)

    1. I guess it is human nature to feel that there was more you could of done for or with someone you know who passed on. Also, the older I get the more someone's death affects me. I just found out that a ham radio buddy of friend of mine just passed away, also.

  2. It's sad but it seems that many of us have similar situations. Life today doesn't make it easy to get to know others that we may have a lot in common with.

    1. That is for sure, but I feel like I had no excuse other than "no get up and go".

  3. That's such a nice story. Even if you missed out on playing and singing with him, how nice to know you had something in common. Something that connected you. Now when you think of him, you'll remember that he was a picker and a singer. :)

    1. Yes, I will think about him being a picker and singer and a good neighbor.

  4. Don't feel bad. Maybe your neighbor was a shy person. I know I am and I know there is a lot about me that most people don't know. Sometimes I wonder why people don't try to get to know me better - Duh, cuz I'm shy and don't volunteer the info!!!

    1. None of us that live around here seem to visit the others. Maybe that should change.
