Friday, May 20, 2016

I Ate The Whole Thing.

How many of you remember that old add for Alka-Seltzer?  Or the jingle, "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is"?  In case you don't know or forgot it, here is a link to the original jingle:

Then later, just a few years ago, the couple who played Ray's parents in the show "Every Body Loves Raymond", remade that add.  Just in case you were like me and didn't know that, here is a picture showing Peter Boyle in the Alka-Seltzer add:

And here is a link to the video of that add:

OK, all of the above is fiction but I just did that at lunch time.  Remember that carton of eggs that our daughter-in-law gave us with the one huge egg?  In case you forgot:

Well, I ate that egg today along with the one beside it.  Yep, I can't believe I ate the whole thing.  They made three and a half sandwiches.  Guess what.  I was thinking that it had to be a double yolk egg, but when my wife cracked it open and put it in the frying pan, there was only one yolk, but it was a doubly large yolk and was not as round as a regular yolk.  But let me tell you, it tasted great!!  Now I want all of you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I was hoping that would be a double yolker.... but even so, I just know it was delicious. Those lovely free range chicken eggs make me think of a potluck we had once at work... a lady brought in a chicken/noodle casserole dish... the noodles were SO yellow... I just knew they were "home grown" eggs. I asked Mary... she said, No... she added yellow food coloring to the dough of her noodles to make them look that way. Boy... did that deflate my expectations... Now I look at potluck dinners in a totally different way.

    1. That woman cheated with that yellow food coloring. I don't care what color the food is as long as it taste good and there is lots of it.

  2. Bet there was some squacking when that one came out.

  3. Three and a half sandwiches seems like a lot. I'd need an Alka Seltzer if I ate that much!

    1. It was from my wife's loaf which was only about four inches square. So, I didn't really over eat.

  4. Wow, that was a huge egg. Sure hope you had the Alka Seltzer handy. I do remember the add that featured "Speedy Alka Seltzer"

    1. Now I can't get that Alka Seltzer jingle out of my head. . .

  5. I never liked the whites, so i separated them from the yolks and got them out of the way of the GOOD part... lol SOOO, i would love eggs like that one...

  6. Replies
    1. Store bought eggs just can't compare to them.
