Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Funny Side of Texas.

Hey!! I live in Texas, so I can make fun of it, but if you don't live in Texas. . . Get the picture?  OK, here are some cartoons about Texas and I hope, whether you live in Texas or not, that you get a chuckle out of them.

Yep, oil may not be God in Texas but oil is king.  That used to be the case and still does to some extent but other things have cut into the oil supremacy.

Now I wonder what breed of a horse that is in the above picture.  Oh yes, it must be a limo horse. . .

When I lived up north of Fort Worth, tumbleweeds were a common sight, even had some growing in my backyard.  But this next picture is of tumbleweed men (like snowmen up north).
 The saying around here is if you don't like the weather, wait a couple of hours, it will change.  So, that is why I posted this next one:

This sign makes sense to me.  If you have ever been attacked by fire ants, you will never want to even see another one in your life:

This last picture shows how this pooch copes with the Texas summer heat:

I thought that you all would enjoy these, Texan or not.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I've been bitten often enough by fire ants to understand that sign perfectly.

  2. Pretty good ones, Dizzy! I can understand the weather one especially!

    1. Getting some thunder and rain here at this time. But, it will change, right.

  3. I love the tumbleweed snowmen. Very clever!

    1. Wish I had thought of it when I lived up north of Ft. Worth. When green and growing, they are a very tough plant.

    2. Back in the dustbowl days, farmers ground up the tumbleweeds for cattle feed. Didn't have anything else. I have also seen tumbleweed Christmas trees in homes!! Great except they burn like kerosene!
      Don in Okla.

    3. Yes, they do burn very easily. Never thought to make a Christmas tree out of them.

  4. Those are great. They made my day. Love the weather one. Right now, here in WI, it is very true. One day it is warm and the next day it is snowing.

    1. One thing about weather, it will always change.

  5. We have been in Texas enough to understand all of them, Got attacked by the fire ants as well.

    1. I worked awhile in North Carolina and they also had fire ants but they were tame compared to the ones in Texas.

  6. Replies
    1. Yep, he knows how to keep cool. Welcome and thanks for commenting on my blog.
