Wednesday, April 27, 2016

R.R. Tracks Next to My House?

I got rudely awakened from a deep sleep by a fast train going past my bedroom window!!  Then, as I shook the sleep from my brain, I realized that there were no railroad tracks anywhere near my property.

Yep, you guessed it, it was very high winds.   We have had small tornadoes wander across our property before, so I know what they sound like and it sounded just like that.  According to the news weatherman on TV this morning, we had 60 mph guests of wind as the storm front passed over us and also quite a few small tornadoes.  Since the front line stretched at an angle with the north end a lot further east than the south end, Houston didn't get it for another couple of hours (about 07:00).

I did take a short nap on the couch, and tried to comfort my oldest pup who is deathly afraid of anything that goes boom or bang and with all the lightning in the area, there was a lot of thunder.  But, today dawned bright and sunny, we survived the storm, and it is going to be a great day and I hope your day will be great, too, you hear?


  1. Your poor doggie. Some of them get so frightened by loud noises and anything different in their lives. I'm glad all is ok at your place.

    1. The tornado I heard didn't touch down that I know of. But the straight line winds blew things around.

  2. Must be a lot of storms throughout the country... we had lots of thunder yesterday afternoon. No rain though. I feel so bad for dogs who are afraid of loud noises... there's just no way to tell them it will be okay.

    1. The worst two nights are New Years Eve and the Fourth of July. Neighbors go berserk putting of thousands of dollars worth of fire works and fire crackers. Yes, it is legal to buy them two times a year, here in Texas.

  3. We have been near quite a few of them over the years and yes they do sound like a frieght train.
    Good that all is well there.

    1. A small town north of us got hit pretty hard. The one my wife and I heard must not have touched down. We took a ride around the neighborhood and didn't see any damage other than a few limbs down.

  4. Very glad you don't have to look for your roof in the next county. It's that season again. Keep a weather eye.

    1. The bad stuff usually comes at night, which makes everything even worse. I keep wondering if I should get out of bed and put some pants on. . .

  5. We are on the Red River in the Montague County area. It blew the top off our old juniper tree and broke our apple tree in half. Thankfully our structures are okay. Glad to hear it passed you by as well.

    1. When I used to live north of Fort Worth, near a the little town of Justin which was south of Denton, we got lots of twisters during the very few years that I lived there. Of course it was open country and you could see for miles. Here in the east Texas woods north of Houston, I would have trouble seeing a hundred yards. The tornadoes can sneak up on you here.

  6. That is so scary. Your poor "puppy" is so lucky he/she has you for comfort. I have been in that situation a few times and know how scary it is. Just glad you are safe. Where I live in WI we have tornadoes every year. Been lucky so far, no damage. Keep safe.

    1. Yes, I really feel sorry for her, but there is nothing I can do to help. When she is scared like that she shakes so bad my chair feels like vibrating chair. I have tried holding her, petting and talking to her, and even tried those "thunder" shirts. Nothing works. I had one dog die in a thunder storm back over 50 years ago.
