Thursday, April 28, 2016

Most Dangerous?

If someone asks, "what is the most dangerous thing", there could be a multitude of answers.  First, there should be some limits stated in this question.  Do they mean, the most dangerous thing in the universe, or our solar system, or our Earth, or our neighbor hood, or where?  Each of these places could have their own separate answers.

OK, I will rephrase my question.  What is most dangerous on Earth?  Now, that too is way too broad of a question.  The answer to this second question could be war, radiation dangers, the freeways, the jungles, the deserts, nuclear war, etc., or this:

Well, let's try again.  What is the most dangerous creature on Earth?  Well, that narrows it down some, but not quite enough.  An answer to that question, and the one at the top of the list, would be mankind.  Other answers could range from the small (bacteria, microbes, etc.)  to the medium sized (snakes, bees, scorpions, rabid animals, etc.) to large sized (rhinos, elephants, tigers, lions, mean bulls, a sumo wrestler, etc.).

Well, I don't think any of the above is the answer.  There are a lot of things that are venomous and/or poisonous.  Most all venomous things are living creatures that inject their venom into their victims.  Poisonous things can transfer their poison by touch or if you eat them.  My choice of most dangerous fits the last kind.

Yep, it is a pretty little frog that comes in a lot of different colors, a Poison Dart Frog that lives in Central and South America.  Isn't it cute?  Just don't ever pick it up with your bare hands.  It is not venomous, but it is very, very poisonous.  Its skin is covered by a very deadly poison, an alkaloid toxin. that prevents the nerves of what ever it bites from transmitting signals to its muscles.  That leaves the muscles in an inactive state of contraction, thus stopping the heart from beating.  Some native people in areas where this frog is found, use its poison on darts and/or arrows.  I guess that would keep a wounded animal from escaping.   This cute frog has enough venom to kill about 10,000 mice and from 10 to 20 humans.  This puts a different meaning to the phrase (you can look, but don't touch).  Now, be careful what you pick up and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I know some politicians that need a good meal of frog legs.

    1. Now why didn't I think of that. Good one, Barney.

  2. Personally, I think the most dangerous thing on earth is the way humans think they are so superior.... yeah... attitude. critters, bacteria... whatever... we can deal with a lot of that... it's the human mindset these days that, to me, is scary.

    1. I agree. I even put mankind on the top of the most dangerous list.

  3. I'd go with the mosquito because of all the diseases they carry.

    1. All the frogs and the fish in my swamp help keep the mosquito population down, but they can still get bad at times. Yes, they can cause more than a itch, they can carry death, too.

  4. I think I'm on the same page as the Odd Essay, and what first came to my mind is: "Man". I think humans are the most dangerous thing on earth. What animal destroys the earth, the atmosphere, and everything he needs for life. We have it all and are trashing it at a pretty fast clip.

    1. Yes, that is why I put mankind on the top of the list. When will we ever learn???

  5. I don't believe there is any way to list the mst dangerous thing as it changes so often Still, you're off to a pretty good start!

    1. Yep, it does change all the time. This disease, that meteor, an earth quake here or there, aliens. . . especially the ones that wear a turban on their heads. (grin)

  6. I love the Poison Dart Frogs. They are my favorite to visit at the Zoo. However, to list one thing that is the most dangerous is very hard to do. Happy May Day.

    1. Thanks Linda. Those frogs are beautiful and come in all colors.

  7. I am with the Odd Essay and Gypsy...mankind is the most dangerous creature.

    It is a good thing I do not like frogs and I would never think of picking one up :)

    1. Kids pick up everything, so I would think they would be the ones most in danger.
