Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Just Some Silly Questions.

I got a few questions that may seem silly to some.  I am wondering about light.  They say that the speed of light is constant at 299,792,458 meters per second or 670,616,629 miles per hour.  But then they say that it only travels that fast in a vacuum and it slows down and/or bends when it travels through other things.  So, therefore, it ain't a constant, is it?

This brings to mind another question.  What if we could travel at the speed of light, what would we see out the windshield?  Well, I would say if we are traveling faster than light, I guess we would be seeing the absence of light, dark.  This is what you would see when looking out that spaceship's windshield:

(There is not supposed to be any white lines)

I have heard fighter pilots say how quiet it gets after they break the sound barrier (761.2 mph), so doesn't it figure that if you broke the light speed barrier, you wouldn't see light?

If we want to visit other solar systems that may contain habitable planets, we would have to travel a lot faster than the speed of light because of their enormous distances, or have a large enough space craft to house families so that their great great grandchildren would get to visit those places.  I am afraid that it may be a one way trip for any who are brave enough to go.

And, to change the subject, I have a few more questions:
-How do I get off a nonstop flight?
-How do I throw away my garbage can?
-I talked about the speed of light, so what is the speed of dark?
-When day breaks, who fixes it?
-Where is Old Zealand?
-Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
-Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

I could go on and on, but will stop here.  If you want to read anymore of them, just go to the web site where I found them:
Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. I guess you could say that. . . Yes, I guess you already did (grin).

    2. What happened to the OFM's blog

    3. I've got the same question, do you know what happened to the OFM's blog?

  2. Good Grief! I can barely stay up with the speed limits as I'm driving down the road.... changes from 45 to 55 to (sometimes) 60, 65, 70 and sometimes 75 (is this only in Texas?)..... back and forth... I drove the 80 miles to Columbus yesterday... my GPS is out of date so the limit it posted was never correct.... and you want me to think about the speed of light! Darn, Dizzy... I'm already on overload!

    1. You got that much to consider, why not at the speed of light to the list? (grin)

  3. My favorite question is "How do I throw away my garbage can"? Please let me know if you come up with an answer.

    I am certain that if we travel to other planets we will go faster than the speed of light. I think they know how to do that already but don't publicize it because it amounts to energies the oil companies can't produce.

    1. I solved the garbage can problem. I now have a dumpster and share it with my son's family. Would you believe it gets filled every week?

  4. When I travel to another planet my ship will be using "warp drive". Then again there are days when I think I am already on a bother planet and I wonder how I got there. Around here I can't throw out my garbage can - it must be recycled. :(

    1. I got rubber garbage cans, so could cut them up and burn them, or cut them up and stuff the pieces in a garbage bag and toss it into the dumpster. Right now the three of them are just sitting there for decoration (grin).

  5. Good questions, Dizz. Keeping the ol' brain fired up, huh? I don't have answers, but enjoyed contemplatin'. Thanks ~

    1. My goal is always for my reader to have a really great day, so I am glad you enjoyed contemplating.

  6. Replies
    1. Me too and there must have been a lot of other things that stowed away on the ark that would have been better off drowned.
