Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Still Spaced Out.

Yesterday, I posted about stars that exploded.  Since I am on that subject, I thought that I would talk about some other space objects.  Today, I am going to talk about the stuff that created stars, gas.  There are lots of star forming gas clouds out there, but the most famous one is the cloud that created the horse head nebula.  I am sure all of you have heard of it and if you have a telescope, you probably have seen it, too.

The gas cloud that formed it has so much star forming activity and so many embedded stars that it is lit up.  The black and white picture below show the large gas cloud with the Horse Head in the middle:

This next picture is in color and it also shows the multitude of stars around it. 

I will leave you with a picture of another one of my favorite deep space objects, the Eagle Nebula.  This part is called the Pillars of Life.

Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. I have always been interested in space and science. Just couldn't resist posting two on that same subject back to back.

  2. The Pillars of Life photo is a classic. Awesome!

    1. Yes, it has been around for quite awhile. And yes, they are awesome.

  3. Love the photos... gorgeous colors!

    1. You see very little color when you look through a telescope. It takes time exposure pictures to start bringing out the color. What I mean by long exposure time is in hours.

  4. The scale and beauty of the universe is amazing.

  5. Those are some awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing all these photos with us. I rarely get to see many stars as I live in a city with tons of light pollution.

    1. I live in the country but still have light pollution. I thought it was dark until I went to a really dark site. The stars were remarkable.
