Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Stars That Go Bang!!

The universe we live in has a lot of beauty and a lot of violence.  Exploding stars are both beautiful and violent.  I am sure you have seen pictures of some of them and especially the first picture below.  It is Eta Carinae and it shows both the violence and the beauty of a dying star.

This next one is named the Cat's Eye.  The above nebula is seen at an angle, whereas the one below is seen dead on.  The circular shock waves spreading out from the center leaves ring after ring after ring.  The bright white spot in the center is what is left of the star; a cinder, so to speak: 

 This third one is the Hour Glass nebula.  The center of it looks to me like it has a blue eye there just staring, unblinking, at us.  Now, when you go out at night and get that eerie feeling that someone or something is watching you, just look up, it just may be this nebula:

 Now, this last one is my favorite.  I can not understand how any star would explode in this shape.  The astronomers have named it the Red Rectangle:

Go back and look again at that last picture of the Red Rectangle.  Now explain how it could produce this shape.  Yes, I would love to hear how you think it came about and what you think of the other nebulae above.  Now, keep looking upwards, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. The red rectangle is the power signature of a massive star drive. :)

    1. You know, you may just be right on that. The ship was going away from us when it entered hyper-space.

  2. I don't know what makes them explode in the shapes that they do, but they sure are beautiful.

    1. I don't know either. Maybe it has something to do with their spin speed and the direction of travel. Also, it may be two binary stars colliding. Like you say, they sure are beautiful.

  3. While I love those photos, the truth is.... we're finally home up on the Ridge tonight and it's not likely I'll even see a tiny fizzle of anything.... But... in the past I've seen Haley's Comet and Hale Bop (or whatever) right from our back deck... so I'll just hush up and be thankful we're safe and sound and not colliding without other stuff ;-)

    1. Yes, home is where the heart is and I am sure you and Bill are happy to be home again.

  4. I love the one with the eye. Great pictures and I have no idea about the square

    1. Space telescopes have opened up a whole new universe for us to see and enjoy.

  5. Replies
    1. You aren't square to call it a square. All a rectangle is, is a stretched out square.

  6. I have no idea how it exploded into that shape. However, all the pictures are fantastic. Wish I could see something like that. Guess I'll just have to book a flight on the Starship Enterprise. :)

  7. I think God does it just so we humans can have another something to look at in wonder. Pure entertainment!
